The Rainbooms!!!/ Singing!!/ Daddy Issues!!

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3rd Person POV

It was after school and The Rainbooms were getting their Instruments moved to the New Band room in the school and When Rarity was trying to move the Schools Paino Jackson 10 turned into Diamond head and Lifted it above his shoulder with Rarity on top walking through the Empty halls of school except for a few people doing theirs after school stuff!

Jackson: "Now why am I carrying you again!?"

Rarity: "Because Darling I was so tired trying to move it and You would be a great boyfriend doing so!"

Jackson: "Hmm... Good point!"

He walked into the New Band room where the rest of The Humane 7, and Yoko were in! He sat the Paino down and then Rarity on the ground before turning into his human form!

Jackson: "Well It's great to be hanging out with you guys again!! Feel's Like forever!!"

Pinkie: "Yeah!! It's been so Many chapters since we've been seen!!"

Everyone: "...?"

Twi: "Pinkie what do you mean by that?"

Pinkie: "Nothing!!"

Rainbowdash: "Ooookay then... Well, let's get Rockin!!!"

Yoko: "Now hold up Ms. Dash We have to get your Guitar first!!"

Rainbowdash: "Oh Yeah I forgot it!! Damnit!!"

Jackson: "Don't worry I got it!!"

He then turned into XLR-8 And ran off and came back 5 minutes later with her Guitar and handed it to her smiling!!

Jackson: "Here you go Dashie!! Oh, And Your Mom said Hi and that she and your dad are coming to your next game!!"

Rainbow: "Sweet!!"

AJ: "So are we ready to play!?"

Human 7: "Yes!!"

Rainbow: "Great!!! 1,2,3,4!!"

They then started playing a song!!

Jackson: *Clapping* "Wooo!! You girls are on fire!!"

Pinkie: "Wait we are!? Aaah it burns!!!"

Sunset: "No he means we were good!!"

Pinkie: "Phew thanks Sunset! Are we sure your hair not always on fire? It sure looks like it!!"

Twi: "Anyways moving on to the next Point!! Why don't you try Jackson!? I bet you would be good!"

Jackson: "Me!? Oh no I probably shouldn't!!"

Fluttershy: "Come on give it a try... I bet you would be amazing..."

Jackson: "Sure but don't expect anything!!"

He Grabbed a Guitar and started playing!!

When he stopped playing he put the guitar down and took a swig of water and when he opened his eyes he was met by the shocked looks of the girls!!

Jackson: "What? Was I bad or something?"

Rainbow: "Dude... It was awesome!!!!!" *Que The Excited face*

Jackson: "R-Really!?"

Pinkie: "Yeah!! It was super duper awesomely, Greatly underrated, Super Greatly..." *Gasp* 
...Amazingly amazing!!!"

Jackson: "T-Thanks Guys!!"

Rainbowdash: "Dude you should seriously join the Rainbooms!!"

Sunset: "But wait How do you know how to play so well?"

Jackson: "Well Um... Whenever I wasn't being a hero when I was younger I always played a ukelele I was gifted from My dad (Who I never know BTW) for my 8th Birthday as a gift through the Mail and I played with it since then singing my favorite songs to it... and I guess It must have translated to Bass Guitar..."

Twilight: "Wait your dad? We never heard about your dad?"

Pinkie: "Yeah who was he!? Was he a Football player? An Astronaut!? A King!? A Football Playing King in space... With a Mustache!!"

Jackson: "I highly doubt It but I don't really know!! My Mom just says He a Man with a Very Important Job and he could never just drop by!! All I ever get from him are Letters in the Mail congratulating me on the Hero work signed by the Name "The Ultimate"! I have no idea what That means!"

Pinkie: "My King offer still stands!!"

Jackson: "I highly doubt it!! Let's just get back to rocking out!!"

Everyone: "Yeah!!"

Somewhere else Far Away...

In a Huge room clearly furnished with Marble and Stained glass, a Huge man in golden armor and Velvet cape was writing a Greeting Card with the Picture of a Flying saucer and Alien on it with a slight smile on his face!

???: "Keep up the good work sport and Keep on fighting those great battles! Love you so Much signed your Father "The Ultimate"!"

To Be Continued...

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