Seton Academy: Join the Pack- Part 5: Confessions!!

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3rd Person POV

After 30 minutes of walking and plenty of Gawking from students who had rarely seen her on the surface level of the school in basically ever (Yes this has been happening all day) Jackson and Miki started walking down 3 flights of stairs down into the basement levels of near pitch-black, they entered a room where Miki's club was in!! This consisted of several dozen Male Molerats who she sent out before sitting behind her desk and immediately shredded off her clothes in which Jackson Blushed and covered his eyes!!

Miki: "It's okay Jackson!! It's not like I'm naked or anything!!"

Jackson: 'I would beg to differ'

He then removed his eyes to see her in her Frilly undergarments as she sat there looking at him seemingly way less nervous than before!!

He then removed his eyes to see her in her Frilly undergarments as she sat there looking at him seemingly way less nervous than before!!

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Miki (Back to being Calm now)

Miki: "Oh man!! I feel so relaxed now!! I hope you don't mind this!! I feel way less naked when I'm like this!!"

Jackson: "How does this work!?"

Miki: "Well I'm a "Naked" Molerat!!"

Jackson: "Oh... Right..."

Miki: *Chuckles* "It's Okay!! In fact, I have something to admit to you!!"

Jackson: *Nervous and Blushing* "S-sure what is it!?"

Miki: *Motions finger to her* "Come over here!!"

He then walked over and Miki was about to kiss him when they heard some strange noises outside momentarily stopping her from completing her plans!! These noises persist for another few moments when the door was kicked down by Who else But Ferryl!!

Ferryl: "Jackson my Mate!!"

Jackson: "Oh No..."

They Giant wolf girl then Glomped him to the ground and started attacking his neck with Licks as if she was Giant Mastiff with a slobbery mouth!! Just then the other girls ran in and joined in the glomping into some kind of dogpile where they all held him before Kissing/Licking him all over the face, cheeks, and yes even his Lips before they confessed!!!

Pack: "Jackson We Love you so much!!!"

Jackson: "Ferryl that's easy!! But the rest of you!! really!?

They all Nod!!

Jackson: "Look I love you all too!! I bet even Miki does too at this rate!!"

Miki: *Flusted* "H-How did you know!?"

Jackson: "I know this stuff a lot!! You wanna join in!?"

Miki: "Y-Yes!!"

She then hopped in as they all Hugged, Kissed,  Smothered, and Even licked him affectionately all while cuddling him as they laid there just being Happy and loving!!

Jackson: "I love you all so much!! Your all welcome in my Harem/Pack!!"

Girls: "Thank you, Jackson!! We love you too!!"

They then did that until the school day ended where they then headed to his Mansion where they were introduced to the other girls (who were shocked by Ferryl's immense height and Miki's lack of Clothes) and then showed them their room's (Yes Miki's is Pitch black) and they then went to his room where they all did the same thing for the rest of the day!!

To Be Continued...

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