J10 Vs Galand!!!/ Part 3- OP Galand, Merlin Now stone, Ikari Activated!!!

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3rd Person POV

Diane Tried to Slam Galand down with her Hammer but he simply hit it and it bounced back hit Diane on the head spilling blood and Knocking Her out!! King Created a Giant Sunflower That fired a Giant Solar beam but Galand Just dodged that and Sliced The Plant down and Punted King off his Pillow!! Ban tried hitting him with his staff but cute sliced down the middle again!! Escanor Tried to Hold him back to stab him with his Axe but Galandf just Jackson used his Armory arm to stab Galand back as Gowther fired some arrows at Him but He threw Jackson off him and the arrows hit him thankfully not hitting anything Vital!! Merlin than Fired some Magical Blasts at Galand as he Looked at her Evil and Swung his Axe at her like a Boomerang but Meliodas Countered it and is currently battling The Demon using his counter Ability to Block and Return every attack he gives him but it's doing nothing!!

Jackson: "Okay Anyone got any ideas!?"

Meliodas: "I got one!! It's an Attack but It'll take 5 minutes to charge though!! So You'll have to distract him!! And considering he's beating us to a Pulp in under... Nah you can handle it!!"

Jackson: "Wow!! You have that much faith in me!?"

Meliodas: "Yeah sure... Whatever..."

Jackson: "You got it!!! Charge!!!"

As J10 then Started attacking Galand the demon started beating the shit out of him as he screamed for help and Meliodas did nothing but Charge his Attack!!


A/N: 0:33-0:42

5 Minutes Later...

Jackson: "You Done Yet!?!?"

 Meliodas: "Yep!! Demon Rage Death Ball!!!"

Meliodas Created a Ball of Demonic Energy made out of his Hidden Rage and Fired it at Galand as Jackson escaped the Death Ball!! Galand just Raised his Hands And Fired his own Beam of Demonic Energy at the Ball Blowing it up hurting and Blowing back nearly everyone!!

Ban: "Did it work!?"

Galand appeared out of the Smoke barely injured!!

Everyone: "OH COME ON!!!!"

Jackson: "Meliodas I got an Idea!!"

Meliodas: "What is it!?\

Jackson: "It's The Spirit Bomb!!"

Melidoas: "Well that sounds Gr-!!"

Jackson: "But you'll have to distract him for 5 minutes!! And Considered how he kicked my Ass then... Nah You'll be okay!!"

Meliodas: "A-Are you holding A Grudge!?"

Jackson: "No time!! Go Now!!"

Meliodas: "Got it!!!"

Meliodas then started getting his Ass whooped as Our hero started doing the same thing!!


A/N: Play from 1:31-1:42!!!

Almost 5 minutes Later...

Meliodas: *In Pain* "Is it done!?"

Jackson: "Nope!!"


Jackson: "Well It's been 4 minutes and 58 Se... Aaaaand Done!!! Take this Sprit Bomb Asshole!!!"

He Then Threw spirit bomb at him and Galand didn't have the chance to block it And was hit in the face full force with it creating a much bigger crater made from the Remnants of the Old One!!! Once the smoke clears Galand appears out of it Injured and Limping but threw a Knife at  Merlin cutting her in the gut and Making her Bleed Heavily!!!

Jackson: "MERLIN!!!!"

Merlin: *Weak* "Don't worry about me... I'm okay..."

Galand Face perked up when he heard what she said!!

Galand: "Did you Just Lie!?"

Merlin: "N-No I D-Didn't lie!!! N-No!!"

Merlin was Then Turned to Stone thanks to Galand's Truth Powers!!!

Merlin was Then Turned to Stone thanks to Galand's Truth Powers!!!

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Jackson: "W-What did you do to her...!?"

Galand: "Isn't it Obvious Fool!? I turned her into stone!!! Now She's gone... FOREVER!!!"

Everyone Knew she would reverse the spell thanks to her Magic but Jackson didn't know that and Now his Ikari started activating!!! His Muscles started bulging and Getting Bigger as his anger rose to unimaginable Levels and his Power Levels also rose to Unimaginable Levels as well!!!

Galand: *Nervous* "H-Hey how Come you're Getting Bigger... A-And More powerful..."

The Seven deadly SIns, Liz, Hawk, and Matrona were all shocked as well!!!

Liz: "What's Happening!?"

Meliodas: "Well, In My Opinion, he's getting so angry a Hidden ability has been Activated!!!"

Ban: "I Don't care because It's COOL!!!!"

Galand: "H-Hey you wouldn't hurt a guy who was wearing Glasses right!?" 

He then pulls out some Glasses to wear where He simply replied by smashing him over the head!!!

Galand: "Oh... You hit a Guy with Glasses... That's Clever!! Hehe... Please don't hit the Face...!!!"

Jackson: "Now... You Must... PAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!"

To Be Continued...

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