A Date with Rei!/ Usagi Tags Along!

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3rd Person POV

Today was His date with Rei and Usagi is tagging along because she still wanted to spend more time with him and she was almost in tears when he said no before he reverted his answer to yes. She is a total crybaby but that's one of the many reasons why she is so cute!! He walked to the door and knocked and after waiting a few moments who it was opened by the two girls who looked very beautiful!!

Usagi wore the same Outfit from yesterday with some minor changes like a Moon Choker, and White skirt, with shades of yellow and red at the bottom. Rei wore A White T-shirt with a Picture of the planet mars surrounded by stars and in the planet, it says "Smoking hot sailor scout" on it, a red skirt with a Few Black marks like as if it was Painted on, black and white sneakers, and a Red hair clip in hair holding the hair back from her face. 

Jackson: "You two look so great!!!"

Usagi/ Rei: "Thanks, Jackson!!"

Jackson: "Is Chibiusa tagging along?"

Usagi: "Nope! I was able to get one of the girls to babysit her!"

Jackson: "Who is it?"

Usagi: "Oh I got Erza to babysit!"

Rei: "You Idiot!! If anything Erza would hurt her due to her short temper!! Great Parenting right there meatball head!!!"

Usagi: "Hey... Shut up..."

Jackson: "Rei it's okay! Erza's been way better with children lately and she has taken a liking with Chibiusa so everything here is okay!"

Rei: "Okay then so what do we have for today?"

Jackson: "Well I thought we can go on the To the park to rind the Merry go round a few times and then come back for some snuggling and foot rubs!"

Rei: "Oh That is my favorite part!!! I love how you just spoil us!!"

Usagi: "Me too!!!"

Rei: "Finally something we Can agree upon!!"

They soon then got into the car and drove off to the Park to try out that new merry go round! They were driving peacefully until a song came on the Radio!

Usagi: "Oooh I love this song! Turn it up!"

Jackson: "Okay!!"

Usagi: "I love this song so much!!"

Rei: "Wow that's two things we can agree on! That's actually pretty amazing!"

Jackson: "We're here!"

They parked on the street and walked into the park where they saw the New Merry go round! Usagi excited grabbed Jackson's hand and dragged him to the carnival machine and Rei just hurried up and followed!

After Paying They all got onto an Animal/Object and started riding the Colorful and loud musical machine! Jackson got onto a Green Raptor like Dinosaur, Usagi got onto a Pink Unicorn, and Rei got into a Spinning teacup! They rode for a few rounds and Jackson got off and got them some ice cream and came back for them to eat while riding!


After all of that They drove back and he carried them both back in (All Bridal style) and placed them onto the bed where both girls started playing footsie before he came back with some lotion and started rubbing it on their feet as their toed wiggled and they giggled like school girls!! Which they technically are!!

Usagi: "Ooh Jackson your hands are so amazing!"

Rei: "Yeah it's like the way a god does it!"

Jackson: "Well I have plenty of experience!!"

They continued to do this until he dragged him up there and they started cuddling him and kissing him as they shoved their small breasts in his face which he happily rubbed and squeezed which elected a few moans!

Jackson: "I love you Girls so much!!"

Usagi/ Rei: "We Love you too!!!"

To Be Continued...

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