Ferryl and Ranka's Trip to Kami's Lookout!!!/ Part 2

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3rd Person POV

The 5 of them were walking through the halls of the Kame Lookout building while Popo was talking crap about the pecking order and Crap while Ranka and Dende were walking about what he has to do as a god and all bullcrap!! Ferryl was even hugging Jackson lifting him off the ground as they walked through the dimly lit halls!!

Popo: "So here is the official pecking order here Maggots!! There is the dirt, the worms, in the dirt, You guys The Manure we use here for our Gardens, Kame, and Me!!"

Ferryl: "I don't like that Pecking order!! Can we at least be placed higher than the Manure!?"

Popo: "There's the rail outside. I can throw you over it if you want Maggot."

Ferryl: "Little Green Can You-!?"

Super Kame Dende then thwacked her in the knee with his staff making her drop Jackson on his face as he began to scold her!!

Dende: "It's not little Green!! It's Super Kame Dende!!"

Ferryl/Ranka: "Jackson are you okay!?"

Jackson: "Yeah!" *Turns to Ferryl* "You're a bit too late there Casey Anthony!!"

Ferryl then started to droop her ears and started whimpering He hugged her and she hugged back!!

Jackson: "It's Okay Ferryl!! I know it's an Accident!!" *Kisses her* "Here!! Better!?"

Ferryl: "Much!!"

Dende: "Aww how sweet!! Would you say so Popo!?"

Popo: "When we're finished I'm getting High again!!"

Dende: "Okaaaaay... Well, We're Here!!!"

They came in front of the Machine and Popo started explaining how this thing works and how to use it!!"

Popo: "Okay so I believe Super Kame Dende explained to you how this works so here ate the rules!! The first one is the most important one and that is only two people can go in at a time!! More than 2 of you maggots and the machine could have the possibility of Malfunctioning!! And the second rule it hat we won't let you out until the training is finished and no other times!! So do you Magott's got that!?"

Pack: "Yes!!"

Ranka: "Oh! Oh! Oh! Can I come up in with Onee-chan!?"

Ferryl: *Kisses cheek* "Maybe next time little sis!!"

She entered and Mr. Popo shut the door!!

Popo: "Alright little Maggot's the big Maggot will come out in 4 hours!!"

Jackson: "Which is in her time?"

Popo: "A Whole day I believe!!"

Ranka: "Wow!!! A whole day of Training in just 4 hours!! Amazing!!!"

Popo: "Now we start the timer!!"

He then grabs a kitchen timer and set's it for 4 hours then he looked at the two!!

Popo: "Alright Maggot's anything you would like to say before I leave you with Super Kame Dende!?"

Jackson: *Chuckling* "Sure... Black man..."

Right then Popo knocked him off the tower!!

Jackson: "Totally worth it!!"

Timeskip about 4 hours presented by a Chibi Ferryl Training...

While they are waiting for Ferryl Jackson, Ranka, and Super Kami Dende were playing a game of Goldfish while Popo stood guard of the Super Atomic Lion Tamer!!

Popo: "Not you too!!!"

Then the Timer started ringing and Popo walked to the chamber door!!

Popo: "Alright Maggot's Her time is up so now you can Leave!!" *Opens the door* "Hello Maggot!!"

Ferryl: "Hello Mr. Popo!! Man, I feel 10 times stronger already!!!"

Popo: "Question Maggot!! May I call you Wolfie!?"

Ferryl: "It's your Funeral Black man!!"

Popo: *Smiles* "I like you!!!"

Jackson and Ranka then run over to hug Ferryl but were immediate crushed by her newfound Strength!!

Jackson: "Ferryl... Your... Crushing... Us..."

Ranka: "Y-Yeah..."

Ferryl: *Grips less tight* "Sorry!! I'll just snuggle with you then!!"

Jackson: "Sure just let me take us home!! Bye Guys!!"

Dende: "Bye!!"

Popo: "Goodbye Maggots!!"

They then transported back home!!

Dende: "Well what do you wanna do next Popo!?"


A/N: Start at 0:23 

To Be Continued...

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