The Lion King!!- Part 1: A Kidnapping!!

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A/N: For this Arc, I might do Seton Academy Memes or Memes in General for the Covers just because I think they're a bit funny and also Relatable at the time!!

3rd Person POV

Out on the Seton Academy Sports Field, you have different people doing different things like The Kangaroo's Boxing, the Impala's Long jumping, and in the middle of the football field, Jackson was Playing fetch with Ranka with what's left of her lunch (A Bone)!! She had run back on all fours with it and handed it to him in which he picked up the slightly drooled over, and heavily gnawed Calcium dense Animal Content!!

Ranka: "Thanks for Playing With Me Jackson!! It's important for me to get at least thirty minutes of exercise a day!! Onee-Chan says I have to do this to get as big and strong as she is!!"

Jackson: "Well that's good!! You want me to throw it far this time!?"

Ranka: "Yes of course!!!"

Jackson: "Go Get Girl!!!"

He throws it with a good amount of strength across the entire football Field with Ranka running on all fours trying to get it and come back to her Boyfriend in record time!! He just felt like he's being watched and looked around and saw no one looking at him except for an Impala Girl who seems to be stealing a few glances but he thought of it as nothing and just paid his attention back to Ranka!!

Close by several Shadowy figures were watching him like some kind of prey Item as they talked among themselves!!

???: "Okay Ladies there he is!!"

???2: "What did King want us to do with him again!?"

???3: "He wanted us to bring that Hunk of a man back to him of course!!"

???2: "Why though!? I will admit he's really cute but why!?"

???1: "Nevermind how good he looks!! When he leaves the Field we ambush him!! Got it, Ladies!?"

???:2-8: "Right!!"

Back with Jackson, he threw the bone, again and again, he got that strange feeling and he knows that this time It can't be that Impala Girl!!

Jackson: 'Hmmm This is Strange!! I Feel Like I'm being watched but this Feeling can be wrong and then, on the other hand, It hadn't done that before!! Well, it looks like Ranka's 30 minutes of Daily exercise has ended so I guess we better get going then!! I feel like we're being stalked by something... What's the word... I guess Predatory...'

Ranka then came back with the Bone and he picked it up before giving it back to her for her to gnaw on!!

Jackson: "Here!! We gotta get going!! Next Period Class might start soon!!"

Ranka: "Got it!!" *Starts Gnawing on phone Very Aggressively*

He got their stuff and was walking down the Gravel path past the School Sports Field and as soon as they turned around to a nearby building they were both immediately knocked out on the back of the heads with a frying pan and had gotten some Leather bags put on their heads before being Dragged off into the school building and through the halls into a Classroom without even being noticed!!

To Be Continued...

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