Juri's Rival!!/ Tsunade's Old Student!!/ Chun Li- Part 1

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A/N: Okay So It's now Li's time for a Reboot so I hope you like this one!!

3rd Person POV

Tsunade was Giving Some Instructions To Naruto and Sakura for a Mission to Hunt down her Assasin Juri Han!! Jayaria and Kakashi were also in the room as well!! From What she Knows Juri is Hiding out near the Hidden Mist Village Taking Mercenary Jobs and Missions from Some really Shady Individuals!! Clearly This is where she Met Omichiaru!!

Tsunade: "Alright So That is All for the Mission!! Is There Anything Else You two need to Know!?"

Sakura: "Um, Yeah... Why am I working with this Idiot!?"

Tsunade: "Because He is one of the strongest and we can't risk anyone Dying!!"

Jayaria: "I Agree!! I did teach him Myself!!"

Kakashi: "Hey I did too!! I was there for the Genin Exams and everything!!"

Just then there was a knock at the door And Shizune Popped her head in seeming excited!!

Shizune: "Tsunade!! Someone is here to see you!!"

Tsunade: "Who!?"

Shizune: "It's Li!!"

Tsunade: *Gasp* "Let her in!! Let her in!!"

Naruto: *Whispers to Sakura* "Why is Grandma Hokage so Excited!?"

Sakura: "I have no idea!!

Just the Door Opened and Kakashi Blushed while Jayaria nearly passed out from A Nosebleed as The two Genin can saw who this "Li" Is!!

Tsunade: "Li!!"

li: "Master!!"

Naruto/ Sakura: "MASTER!?!?"

Chun Li (Otherwise Known as Li)

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Chun Li (Otherwise Known as Li)

Tsunade and Li hugged each other as Kakashi and Jayaria were stunned by how much she's grown since the last time they saw her!!

Li: "Lady Tsunade it's been too long!! When I heard you became Hokage I was so excited!!" *Spots Kakashi and Jayaria* "Is That Really You two!? You two haven't changed at all!! You still won't remove your mask just like when we were kids and Master Jayaria your.. um... Still the same towards women..."

Jayaria was passed out in a pool of Nasal Blood!!

Li: *Looks at Naruto and Sakura* "And who are these two!?"

Tsunade: "The one holding the 9 tails Spirit is Naruto and the One with Pink hair is Sakura!! She's my newest Student!!"

Li: "Oh My god!! You're My Replacement!?"

Sakura: "Y-Yeah..."

Li: "That's so cool!! I wonder if you ever had to deal with Tsunade's Drunken Behavior!! I swear every time She even looked at a bottle of sake I had to Put her In A Headlock with My legs!!"

Naruto: *Laughing* "S-Seriously!?"

Tsunade then Whack's Him up the Head and continues!!

Tsunade: "Alright so what you're here for!?"

Li: "Well I heard You had to deal with the woman I was Hunting... Juri Han... I was hoping to take the Mission to take her in!! I have Been hunting her down for Months and Now is My Chance to snag her!! So Please Master Let me take this Mission!!"

Tsunade: "Hmmm..."

Naruto: "Come on!! Let us take this Mission Lady Tsunade!! We can-!!"

Tsunade: "Naruto no!! Li Is right!! She is way more experienced with her!!" *Turns to Li* "Li you get the Mission!!"

Li: "Yes!! I will do my best Master!!"

Juri was Training outside of Hidden Mist Villiage Shooting explosions out of her Feet (Like Katsuki and his Fists) when She Was Nearly Hit by a Kunai to the face Barely dodging it!!

Juri: "You missed on Purpose!!"

Just then Li jumped down from the tree!!

Li: "I'm here to take you in Juri!!"

Juri: *Chuckles* "I'll just get away again!!"

Li: *Gets into fighting Position* "Not this time!! You're not getting away!!"

Juri: *Chuckles* "Like that one time You invited me to your house!?"

Li: *Blushes* "N-NO!!"

Juri: *Gets into Fighting position* "Your so cute when you're like that... Now let the fight begin!!!"

To Be Continued...

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