The Chives Saga!!/ Part 2: Xeno Trunks and Xeno J10!!!

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3rd Person POV

The Two Hooded Figures stood between the two before Quickly grabbing Jackson and Knocking Chibiakanna on the back of the neck separating back into Kanna and Chibiusa!! All 4 of them landed on the Ground where they removed their Hoods!! It was Future Trunks in some sweet new Gear and What Looks like an Older Jackson who looked to be in his Mid-twenties with an X shaped scar on his Right cheek and was growing a Sweet beard!!

The Two Hooded Figures stood between the two before Quickly grabbing Jackson and Knocking Chibiakanna on the back of the neck separating back into Kanna and Chibiusa!! All 4 of them landed on the Ground where they removed their Hoods!! It was Futu...

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Xeno Trunks

A/N: There is no Picture of J10 out there so Imagine this version of him in the same Clothes and his Zakapunto on his back!!

Jackson: "Future Trunks!? Another Verison of Me!? What the Hell!?!?"

Chibiusa/ Kanna: "Wow!!/ Wow."

Jackson: "Wait!! Hold the Phone!! Are you Vegeta's Trunks or My Trunks, what's up with the Cool new Clothes, and why is there another version of me!!"

Trunks: "It's Me Dad!! You know the One who's the Son of You and Vegita!! And This is Xeno Jackson!! He's you from another Timeline!!"

XJ10: *Nods*

Trunks: "Sorry about Dad he's a bit of Loner!!" *Whispers* "Kind of creeps me out!!" *Normal Volume again* "And I've been made an Offical Cheif of the Time Patrol which Explains the Clothes!!" *Looks at Kanna and Chibiusa* "Wait are those two of My Big sisters!! They look so Smol!!" *Kneels down* "Hello Girls I'm your little Bro Trunks!! I won't be born for another 8 years though!!"

Chibiusa: "Yeah I remember you!! You were like 1 by the time I left!!"

Kanna: "This Hurts my head."

Jackson: "Yeah!! Time Travel is fucking Confusing!! Now please tell us why You here!? Is something bad happening!?"

XJ10: "Yes... Trunks tell them..."

Trunks: *Sigh* "Well as much as I would've loved to just hanging out with my Dad we do have a problem on our hands!!"

Jackson: "Like What!?

XJ10: *Pulls out Poster* "This Guy..."

Trunks: "His Name is Chives!! He escaped one timeline and Came here to do more Damage!!"

Trunks: "His Name is Chives!! He escaped one timeline and Came here to do more Damage!!"

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Jackson: "Hmmm... He Looks like a Saiyan..."

Trunks: "That's because he is a Saiyan!! He's a special Breed of Saiyan that can Go "Super Saiyan Rose"!! Much Like Goku Black!! I suppose you heard of him Dad!?"

Jackson: "Never met the guy but I had heard really bad things about him so Yeah!!

Chibiusa: "He's a Really, Really, Badman!!"

Kanna: "Yeah."

XJ10: "Look we have no time for this we came here specifically to get help from you so we have a better chance of Beating him!! Will you help us!?"

Jackson: *Thumbs up* "Sure!!"

Trunks: "Wow that's the most I ever heard you talk!!"

XJ10: "Don't get used to it Kid!!"

Jackson: "Sure I can get some more People to help And-!!"

Trunks: "No!! No More help then what we need!! We can't do any more damage than we have to!! More People make more Physical Damage and we are part damage control!!"

Jackson: "Got it!! So where can we find that Bastard!?"

A large explosion is heard in the distance and all 5 of them looked in the direction of it!! It was a  Large City!!

XJ10: "I Just we go that way..."

Jackson: "Got it!!"

They all then Flew off to the city To stop Chives and His Current Rampage!!! Good Luck Heroes!!!

To Be Continued...

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