Lum The Invader!!!/ Electrifying Fun!!!

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3rd Person POV

Jackson was Just heading Home from School (Once he got everything readied and Sorted with the girls)  And was Taking a Nice peaceful walk but He kept sensing was Watching him!! Preparing for the worst he prepared the Omnitrix and Dialed it up to Atomix!! He continued to walk as he continued feeling these bad Signs as if something was Floating above him!! 

There was and As it began to Divebomb him He turned into Atomix and Fired off several Atomic Fueled Ki blasts but it didn't hit anything much less something!!

Jackson: "Hmm... Strange..."

He was then Tackled behind and was Electrocuted into Submission in only seconds turning back into Human before Passing out!!


Jackson Woke up in his bed with the Light still full out knowing it is Still day!! He turned around in his bed only to see a Girl and Jumped out of his bed shocked!!

Jackson: "LUM ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?!? TEN YOU TOO!?!?!?"

Lum: "Good Afternoon Darling!!!"

Ten: "Hello!!"

Ten: "Hello!!"

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Lum Invader

Lum Invader

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Jackson: "What are you two Doing here!?... Again!!"

Ten: "Lum wanted us to Visit you again and you weren't Home!!"

Jackson: "Well Lum and I aren't dating and-!!"

Lum: "Oh That so funny Darling!! You have such an Amazing sense of Humor!!"

Jackson: "Look I gotta go to the girls and-!!"

He got out of bed and Lum held onto him with a Pissed expression on his face as Bolts of Blue electricity filled the room!!

Lum: "Darling were you talking to other Girls!?"

Jackson: "Look I have a Harem so It's Natural for me to talk to other Girls!!"

Lum: "Grrr!!! But I told you...."

Jackson: "Oh No!!" *Tries to escape her Grasp*

Lum: "... Not to..."

Ten: "Oh Boy!!" Hides behind bed*


She then fired off a Massive Bolt of Electricity knocking out power for the entire Town and Knocked Jackson out as he Lied on the ground knocked out and Covered In Suut!! Lum quickly getting out of her fit of Anger and Looked down at the Knocked out Jackson and got concerned!!

Lum: "Darling are you okay!?"

Jackson: *Nods*

Lum: "That's Great!! Now we can snuggle in bed together like we're supposed to do!!"

Jackson: "ZZZZZ..."

Timeskip to the Next Morning!!

Jackson woke up again and he jumped out of bed again as this Lum tried to coerce him back to bed!!

Lum: "Come On Darling come back into bed!!" *Removes Top* "I can give you something more!!"

Jackson: *Nosebleed* "No!! That is not what I want!!"

Ten: "I won't watch!! But Please Don't tell me you don't know how to do it with a Woman!?" 

 J10: "What are you supposed to be Three!?"

Lum: "Oh Come on Darling I am your Girlfriend!!"

Jackson: "No!! No your not!!" *Sigh* "Look If you want You can be my girlfriend but you have to share me with the other girls!!"

Lum started thinking it over and after a few Minutes of Intense waiting from Jackson and Ten until Lum perked her head up!!

Lum: "Well As Much As I wouldn't like it I guess I can make it work!! But Only for your Darling!!":

Jackson: "Great!!"

Lum then glomped him and started pinning him down as she unknowingly started charging up Electrical powers!!

Lum: "I'm so happy to be with You Darling!!"

She then shocks him again as she continued to hug him covering him in Suut again!!

Jackson: "Ow..."

To Be Continued...

Aliens, Gods, And Girls!: OP! Omnitrix Wearing! OC X Massive Harem 2Where stories live. Discover now