Dusk and Dawn Saga!!/ Part 2- A Battle of Monsters Vs Magic!!

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3rd Person POV

With Mira and Apollomon...

Mira: "Demon Claw!!!"

Apollo: "You'll face Divine Judgement Demon!! Sunfire Punch!!!"

They Both began punching the Crap out of each other with Both Demonic and Holy Fire punches and they both punch each other in the face sending each other flying back!!

Mira: "Your good!!"

Apollo: "You too!! Fight time again!! Sun Punch Arrow!!!"

He then Fired hundreds of red hot Arrows from the Jewels on His arms that we're all launched at Mira!!

Mira: "Devil Darts!!!"

Mira then fired hundreds of Glowing Dart like Scales from her Hands and forearms hitting and deflecting each and Every arrow!! They Kept firing and Firing and some got through hitting each other giving each other scratches and bleeding until they decided to stop firing and try another Tactic!!

Apollo: "Solar Flare!!!"

A Fired a blinding Light from the fireball on his back and Blinded Mira and Prepared his Next attack!!

Apollo: "Finally!! Sun Ball Blast!!!"

He Launches a Massive Ball of fire at Mira while she is blind but she opens her eyes on time to Try and Push the Fireball back with her hands and began charging her Hands full of Demonic Electrical energy Trying to Push it Back at Full Force but as she Pushed it back Apollo Fired some More Sun Punch arrows at the ball pushing back into Mire and Exploding right in her face!!

Erza was Battle Diana against Erza (While she is in her Armadura Armor) with each other Clashing their weapons against each other and Diana decided to unleash some powerful Lunar Based Attacks to Destroy Erza's Armor!!

Diana: "Arrow Of Artemis!!!"

She fired hundreds of Quill like Ice Arrows from her back as Erza deflected and Blocked them all with her swords and Diana decided to switch Up Tactics to in order win this fight!!

Diana: "Goodnight Moon!!!"

She started shooting a light that tried to hit Erza only to deflect off her Armor and nearly hit Apollo not making him asleep but still Drowsy!!

Diana: "That's it it's my final Attack!!

Erza: "Bring it Bitch!!"

Erza charged at Diana with a Fairy blow in hand but Then Diana Fired her Attack!!

Diana: "Cresent Haruken!!!"

She then Fired a Lunar beam at Erza and it seemed to do nothing until Erza began beating herself up punching, kicking, and Generally Beating Herself up!! That Beam made Erza see herself as The Enemy and so is Fighting Herself and so Is beating herself up!! Diana took the opportunity and Struck Erza's armor shattering it putting her in her usual Blouse and skirt!!

Diana and Apollo were about to finish them until...

Jackson: "Hello There Digimon!!"

Jackson had Just arrived and The Great Titania and She-devil were Happy to see him while the Two Digimon were left a confused!!

Diana: "Who is No-!!" 'Oh My God he's so Handsome!! Well for a human that is but he's still so Handsome!! I want him as mine!!'

Apollo: "Diana why is your nose bleeding and Face red!?"

Diana: "N-Nothing!!"

Apollo: *Turns to Jackson* "How Dare you court my little sister You son Of a Bitch!!!"

Jackson: "Excuse me what!?"

Apollo tried to punch him but Jackson grabbed his fist and this Happened between the two!!

Apollo: "Um... I feel Like we're missing some context here..." *Jackson knees him in the gut* "AH!! MY SPLEEN!!!" *Punches him in the chest* "AH!! MY HEART!!!" *He then clocks him in the Face* "AH!! MY- Actually I don't know what that was..."

Jackson then Grabbed him the face and headbutted it before dropping him to the ground!!

Jackson: *Rubbing temple* "Aaaaaah... Nobody ever wins with a Headbutt..."

Diana picked up Apollo over her shoulder and Looked at Jackson!!

Diana: "Sorry about My Brother Handsome!! I'll have to take him home now so I hope to see you later!!" 

She then Blows a kiss to Him before disappearing with Apollo with some kind of Instant Transmission!!

Jackson: "Hmmm... Nice Digimon!! She seems nice!!"

He then walked over to Mira and Erza and Carried them over his shoulders making sure they can stand up!!

Jackson: "You two Okay!?"

Erza: "Yeah..."

Mira: "Can we please go home...!?"

Jackson: "Sure!! I'll make sure to Cuddle with you two the whole day!!"

He then Instantly transmitted the two back to Fairy Hills so that way they can do that Cuddling!!

To be Continued...

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