A Date with Tohru and Elma!!

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3rd Person POV

Today was Jackson's dates with some of His favorite Dragon's Tohru and Elma. The one problem is that they don't like each other too much. It's not they don't like each other as people in general; it's just that they come from different Factions that don't like each other and therefore they are taught to hate each other.

But he hopes to change that with today's date! He hopes to take them out to some Icecream (and Creamy Buns) and then come back for some Movies and Snuggle with some foot rubs also! 

He walked two the Maid room wearing a white T-shirt, a Green Jacket, Black Pants, and a pair of Green Convers and knocked on the door and when he did he heard some blasts and smashing inside! So he opened the door he saw the room Trashed and Tohru and Elma ready to hurt each other!! 

Tohru was in a Pink T-shirt and Seafoam green skirt, with white and Pink striped stocking and Black shoes ready to fire a blast at The Sea serpent Dragon and Elma was wearing a Black Skirt, a purple Turtle neck, and a Tan scarf and were carrying a Trident ready to stab the European dragon!

Jackson just ran in and stopped the fight before it can escalate even further and Kissed them both on the Lips getting them to knock it off, Blush and Smile!

Jackson: "Okay is Everything Okay now?"

Tohru/ Elma: "Yep.../Yes..."

Jackson: "What even Happened to cause this!?"

Elma: "That Slut wanted to use my perfume to win you over!"

Tohru: "First of all your the slut if anything and secondly It was my Perfume!!

Elma: "Slut!"

Tohru: "Hoar!"

Elma: "Troglodyte!!"

Tohru: *Gasp* "How Dare you!"

They tried to fight again but Jackson broke it up and gave an Ultimatum!!"

Jackson: "Either you two stop fighting or else There will be No date at all!! Got it!!?"

Tohru/ Elma: "Sorry..."

He then kisses them on the lips again.

Jackson: "Great! Now let's get this Date Started!!"

Tohru/ Elma: "Yeah!!!"


They then were at the Sugarcube corner and ordered some Icecream and Creamy Buns for all three of them! Jackson got a Cookies and Cream, Tohru got Orange sherbert, and Elma got Chocolate and some Creamy Buns!! During the devouring of the cream-filled pastries she tried some of her Icecream and got a huge smile on her face!

Elma: "Wow What is this!? It's As sweet as Yatagarusu Eggs yet is as dark as Obsidian and as Cold as A Frost Dragons breath!!"

Jackson: "It's called Icecream! It's basically Frozen Milk!"

Elma: "Wow!! This is almost as good as those Creamy buns I always Have! I wonder if I can put the two together!!"

Tohru: *Sweatdrop* "Well Yeah You can!"

Elma: *Scoops up Pastry with Icecream and inserts it into mouth* "Wow!!! This is so YUMMY!!! THIS IS THE BEST THING I EVER HAD!!!!! I JUST WANT MORE OF IT!!! HEY LADY I NEED MORE ICE CREAM AND CREAMY BUNS OVER HERE!!!"

Waitress: "You got it!!"

Tohru: "I can just feel this is gonna result in an ice cream headache.":

Jackson: "Yep in 3...2...1..."

Elma: "Gah!!! What is this Accursed Pain in my head!! Is this a curse!?"

Jackson: "No Elma it's just an Icecream headache! it happens when you eat Icecream too fast!!"

Elma: "Please make it stop!!"

Jackson: "Okay!"

He then started rubbing her temples as she calmed down!!

Elma: "Thank you, Jackson! Now I can get back to my Creamy buns and Icecream!! Gah!! ANother Icecream headache!!"

Tohru and Jackson just fall over Anime style!!


Jackson came back carrying the two Women to his Bed and started cuddling with each other as they pressed their large breasts against his body and he had a small nosebleed. They were just cuddling when Tohru and Elma asked him a question.

 Elma: "Hey Jackson?" 

 Jackson: "Yeah?" 

 Tohru: "Can you rub our tails?" 

 Jackson: "Sure! If you want to!"

He then started rubbing their tails making them blush ever so slightly and drool a little bit and just as things started getting good Kanna barged in with her Pajama's ready to ask a question but instead Turned Bright pink, turned, and walked away.

Kanna: "Perverts!" 

 Jackson: "I-Is This... Sexual for you guys?"

 Tohru/ Elma: *Bright pink and Flusted* "Y-Yes!!" 

To Be Continued...

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