The Grand Fisher!!/ Picking on the wrong Children!!

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3rd Person POV

Jackson was at the Park with his daughters as they played in the stream as he just kept a close eye on them!! They were all bare feet splashing around in the water, collecting pretty rocks, Finding Any cute fishes, and even splashing water on each other!! Jackson was watching admiring how cute his daughters were and seeing them just playing makes him happy!! He would give up anything just to protect them!

That was about to be put to the test!

Chibiusa: "Hey! Kanna! Yachiru!"

Kanna/ Yachiru: "Yes?"

Chibiusa: "Do you mind going back to the Mansion and get us some buckets for when we collecting are rocks! Maybe if we're lucky we can find A Salmadner daddy will let us keep!!

Yachiru/ Kanna: "Yeppy!/ Sure!"

They ran back to the Mansion and Jackson looked back to make sure they'll be safe before looking back at Chibiusa and he saw something terrifying!! There was a massive shadow under the water and he knows this isn't now fish!!

 He got up and bolted to the water as the shadow bolted as well For Chibiusa!!

Jackson: "Chibiusa watch out!!"

Chibiusa: "Huh?"

He turned into Fasttrack and caught her before she was sucked in and they both fell to the grass before he changed back and they both looked ups seeing what Attacked them!! Jackson had heard of this beast but He didn't know it would ever target his daughters!!

It was a Grand Fisher!!!

It was a Grand Fisher!!!

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The Grand Fisher!!!

Jackson: "The Grand Fisher!!!"

GF: "You know me!? Have we met!?"

Jackson: "No!! but I've heard stories about you and you're not touching my Daughter!!"

Chibiusa snuggled up to her father's chest trying to protect herself

GF: "Your daughter!? Oh that's Sweet! Who could ever break this sweet moment up!? I would!!!"

He tried reaching for her but he took out his Zanpankuto and slashed his hand making the monster bleed!!

GF: "Hmph! This will be harder than I thought!! Hand her over now and I'll leave!"

Jackson: "Never..."

GF: "What!? Speak up!!"

Chibiusa: "Oh No!!"

Jackson: *Shaking with Rage* "I... said... NEVER!!!!!!"

He then turned into Jackninja and used his weapon to slash Him across the arm and decked him across the face knocking several Teeth out and cracking a Tusk!!

GF: "What The-!?"


He then decked him across the face again and rapidly punched his gut causing internal bleeding as the GF Coughed up copious amounts of blood!!

Jackson: "Mizu #11: Rain Dance!!"

It then started to rain and The Grand fisher just laughed!!

GF: "You fool!!! This is my Element!!"

Jackson: *Smirks* "This is mine too Jackass!!"

He then started twice as fast as before and the Grand fisher quickly lost track of him!!

GF: "The fuck did you go!?"

Jackson still in his Jackninja form appeared on top of his head and was prepared to stab his Mask!!

Jackson: " Sanda #25: Electroblast!!! Bankai: Evil's Destroyer!!!"

His Zapankuto then turned into Spear/Sword/Blaster Hybrid (As in it has a sword tip, a spear staff, and a Blaster Barrel) and then it got charged full fo electricity and he stabbed it into the Mask causing the Grand fisher to scream as electricity ran across his body frying his brains and organs as if he was hit by a lightning bolt!!


The Grand fisher falling to the ground tried dragging himself back into the water but Jackson appeared in front of him pointing his Hybrid weapon to his throat!!

Jackson: "Any last words?"

GF: *Struggling to breathe* "Fuck... You..."

Jackson: "Sorry I'm not into Monsters!"

He then stabbed one side of his throat going through the other severing is vocal cords and spinal cord instantly killing him!! The Grand Fisher then poofed into a puff of smoke, and the sun came out again and he turns into his human form and before he can even catch his breath Chibiusa tackled him to the ground literally hugging the air out of him!!

Chibiusa: * "Thank you Daddy you are truly the best Dad ever!!!"

Jackson: "Thank you Chibiusa! Now I gonna have to catch my breath! You wanna go home and have some Milk and Oreo's with the other two!?"

Chibiusa: "Yes please!"

Jackson: "Good."

He then got up carrying her like a little kitten as she snuggles into his chest very cutely as he carried her off back to the Mansion!!

Truly the best Dad ever!!!

To Be Continued...

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