Fairy Tail!!/ To Hunt a Lich Dragon!!/ Part 2: The Train Ride

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3rd Person POV

Jackson, Erza, Marijane, Lucy, and Kagura were all on a train heading for a forest down south to the Adriatic Ocean where they will find the swamp this dragon has been said to be found terrorizing the locals!! Everyone was doing fine except for our hero who was suffering some terrible motion sickness with Erza comforting him by letting him rest his head on her lap trying to get over this accursed sickness.

Jackson: *Sick* "Are we there yet...?"

Erza: "Sadly no."

Jackson: "Ooooh Goooood..."

Kagura: "Hey Guys who do you like my New Look?"

Jackson looked up and she looked adorable in a baby blue Kimono with that white bow still on her head!

Jackson looked up and she looked adorable in a baby blue Kimono with that white bow still on her head!

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Kagura's New Look

Kagura: "What do you think Jackson?"

Jackson: "Y-Yeah... I love it..."

Marijane: "He's still sick?"

Erza: "Yeah. Can you two hold him? I have an Idea. Hey Lucy?"

Lucy: "Yeah Erza?"

Erza then sneaked up behind her and latched her hands on her chest and Began squeezing much to Lucy's dismay!!

A/N: Kind of like this!!


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Timeskip presented by a Chibi Erza Cradling a Sick Chibi Jackson!

The Train was halfway there and lunch was being severed but since Jackson was still sick as a dog they decided to take their food and his from the dining car and moved back to their personal car where they began eating. 

Erza had some strawberry cheesecake, Lucy had gotten some fish, Kagura had gotten some Lemon shortcake, Marijane had gotten some steak and Ale, and finally, they got Jackson some Chicken and Mash potatoes! 

He was laying his head on Marijane's Lap as she tried fork feeding him some food which he had some trouble keeping down.

Marijane: "Come on Jackson you need to eat."

Jackson: "No... I'm too sick..."

Marijane: "Come on Jackson your an S-Class and the strongest member in all of Fairy Tail and you can't eat some food that you need to eat?"

Jackson: "I told you I'm not good with trains..."

Lucy: "That does make me wonder something. Are you a Dragonslayer?"

Jackson: "By Title yes but other than that no. I'm just bad with Trains."

Lucy: "Then what about Tohru and the other Dragons?"

Jackson: "I only ever kill evil Dragons! Like her Racist, Jackass Dad Damocles!! I swear he gives me some real Frieza Vibes and that's not good."

Kagura: "Hey Jackson?"

Jackson: "Yeah?"

Kagura: *Blushing* "Can you rest your head on my lap?"

Jackson: "Sure..."

Marijane moved over and Kagura made him rest his head on her lap as she started stroking his head and she smiled!!

Kagura: "You feel better?"

Jackson: "Not really... It's just as effective as before..."

Erza: " I know something that can make you feel better."

Once he looked up he saw Erza Stripping her clothes off right in front of him!!

Once he looked up he saw Erza Stripping her clothes off right in front of him!!

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Just then the train stopped and as soon he realized they made it to their destination he got up and bolted off to out of the train and out of their personal car leaving the girls a bit confused!


Erza: "Seriously I wonder what is wrong with sometimes but then again we did choose him!"

To Be Continued...

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