A Date with Juvia!!!

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3rd Person POV

Today was Jackson's date with Juvia Lockser because she's been waiting a long time and she deserves it!! Juvia said she wanted to do their date in her room today so he dressed up very casually in a Green T-shirt, Black basketball shorts, and a lack of footwear. He walked across the mansion until he made it to Juvia's room with the door painted Blue and gold.

He knocked on the door and then it was Opened by Juvia who was wearing A Navy Blue T-shirt with the words "Jackson's Beloved" in white in front of a pink Heart, A Navy Blue skirt, Her hair in that Curly and Bouncy style she is sometimes Known for with a certain lack of footwear and all of her nails painted Navy Blue as well.

Jackson: "Hey Juvi- HMMPH!!!"

Juvia then jumped up into his arms and forcibly made out with him sticking her tongue in his mouth Dominating him until she finally let's go!!

Juvia: "Jackie!!! I'm glad you can make it!!!"

Jackson: "Well I mean I live in the same mansion so you know what I mean."

Juvia: "Oh Your so funny!! Please come in!!"

They both walked in and Her room seemed pretty normal except her bed was covered with a mountain of Blankets, sheets, pillows, and Stuff Animals!!

Jackson: "Wow!! That's a lot of Stuffed animals!!"

Juvia: "Yeah..."

Jackson: "So Let me take a Wild guess and wanna just snuggle all day?"*Looks at Juvia* "Juvia are you Ok?"

Jackson: "So Let me take a Wild guess and wanna just snuggle all day?"*Looks at Juvia* "Juvia are you Ok?"

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Juvia: *Squealing a slight bit* "Yes... That would be Absolutely Amazing!!"

They then moved to her bed and both laid down on it with Juvia on top of Jackson with her head resting on his chest as they sunk into the Pile of Soft things that she had to seem to have collected!!

They just laid there for several minutes until They both had gotten a little hungry and They looked at each other with her head still resting on his chest.

Jackson: "You Hungry?"

Juvia: "Yeah."

Jackson: "Well it looks like we better-!"

Juvia then pins him down leaving him flustered and confused.

Jackson: "What!?"

Juvia "I already got that taken care of!!"

Not even after she said That Tohru, and Tsubame came in carrying plates full of food and served it to them before leaving (but not without their kisses) and they both ate their food while kissing each other and Juvia even cleaned his lips with her own.

After a while of that, they decided to choose a movie to watch and decided to watch "Way out of Your League" since she is the romantic type and they started snuggling each other and Playing footsie. As the Movie rolls on Juvia was Blushing like mad not really ever being physically as close to a man before and she looked up to Jackson who was blushing as well.

Juvia: *Blushing* "J-Jackson..."

Jackson: "Yes Juvia?"

Juvia: *Blushing even harder* "I-I R-Really..." 'Oh for crying out loud I have to say it' "I-I Really, Really, Really, L-Lov-!"

Jackson then kissed her on the lips and smiled.

Jackson: "I love you too Juvia."

Juvia then turned Bright pink, with Hearts in her eyes, and nearly passed out.

Jackson: "Juvia!? Juvia!? Are you okay!?"

Juvia: *Nearly passed out and Flustered* "I love you too..."

To Be Continued...

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