JackDroid's Collection of Shorts!!!/ The Quadrilogy!!!

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3rd Person POV

Yachiru on Freiza's Ship!!

Frieza was walking around his Personal Command ship doing his usual thing of Barking orders and Killing any Rats that hide among his ranks!! He was just walking down the Halls is one of the Main Entry/exit ways to the command deck when a Pink blur plus a Dust cloud zip right passed him leaving him behind with him coughing up a storm!!

Frieza: *Coughing* "What the Hell is that!!!?"

Just then the Pink blur came zipping back and stopping in front of him was Yachiru riding her brand new Scooter!! She looked to the Evil Prince with a smile and waved!!

Yachiru: "Hi Funny Man!!!"

Frieza: "W-Wha What are you doing on my ship you Little brat!!?"

Yachiru: "I wanted to ride my scooter my Dad got me and this place is Huge!!!"

Frieza: "Yeah I guess so But... HOW DID IN THE HELL DID YOU GET HERE!!!?"

 Yachiru: "That's a Secret Funny man!!!"

Frieza: "You don't keep secrets from me Girls I am the prince of everything!!!"

Yachiru: "You're very funny, Funny Man!!!"

She then takes off again and Frieza was left thinking to himself!!

Frieza: "Hmm... Cute Kid... Though she seems Familiar... Meh, I'm sure to figure it out!!"

Just then Yachiru came zipping back by and Frieza stopped her very politely!!

Frieza: "Um... Little girl, who may I ask who your father is?"

Yachiru: "Why?"

Frieza: "Because I would like to know."

Yachiru: "Why?"

Frieza: "Because I would like to contact your parents."

Yachiru: "Why?"

Frieza: *A Bit Annoyed* "So I can send you back home!!"

Yachiru: "Why?"

Frieza: *Very Annoyed* "So that way I can get you out of my hair!!!"

Yachiru: "Okay!! Bye Bye Funny man!!"

She then shot off again and seemed to have disappeared from the entire ship!!

Frieza: "Goddamn the children of today!! No manners!!"

Drunk Bumblebee!!

Blake walked into Juniors bar to pick up Yang who was drunk off her ass and threatening people!! She saw her girlfriend walking around holding a bottle of a Strawberry sunrise while having her cheeks red, and was trying to pick a fight with anyone in the bar!!

Blake: "Yang!!"

Yang: *Slurring* "Blake!!"

They then hugged each other before Yang wrapped an arm around Blake's waist pulling the kitty towards her and started yelling for everyone to hear!!

Yang: "You all wanna Steal my Girl!!? You all have to fight me for her then!!! Anyone wants to fight me!!!"

Blake: "Yang No..."

After a rant from Yang, Blake dragged her outside and got her to use her Instant Transmission to get back to their dorm!! Of course of her being drunk they ended up in Mexico, Japan, and the Emerald forest before ending up back at the dorm sitting on the bed!!

Blake: "Great We're back home!!!"

Yang: *Still Drunk* "But I wanted Taco's!!"

Blake then kissed her girlfriend on the lips and she returned it totally dominating her and pinning her to the ground and stared at her Adorable little cat ears!!

Blake: "Y-Yang what are you thinking!?"

Yang then lurched forward and grabbed both of Blake's cat ears and started scratching behind them while Still Talking to Blake!!

Yang: "Who's a good Kitty!! Your The good kitty!! Your the best Kitty!! I love you so much!!"

Blake: "Y-Yang, I'm not a Housecat Yang!!"

Soon enough Blake started purring and then Yang started scratching under her chin and she started purring even more until a shoe was flown at them!!

Wiess: "Would you too shut up!? I'm trying to get some sleep!!"

Ruby: *Recording on her Scroll* "No!! Keep doing it!! It's adorable!!" 

They both then smiled and started snuggling with each other in Yang's bed!!

To Be Continued...

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