J10 Vs Galand!!!/ Part 2- Ban to the Rescue!!/ The Battle Rages on!!

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3rd Person POV

Galand: "Oh Don't be Scared!!! At least I Live!!! That's a good thing right!?"

Galand Raised His Spear about to Chop Him in Half when they heard Ban coming this way!!

Ban: "GERONIMO!!!!!"

Ban who was Flying at Galand at top speed Then Faceplants into Galand's face sending him flying into a hill with a large Crater a few Kilometers Away!!

Jackson: "BAN!?"

Ban: "Hey!!! I couldn't just let my best Sparring busy die to that Jerk!!!"

Jackson: "Did my Clone give the Message!?"

Ban: "Yeah He told us everyone and to Make Sure I came here fast Diane Threw Me!!"

Jackson: "She threw you!?"

Ban: "Yeah!! Matrona would've done it but she would much more easily crush me!!"

Just then Galand Charged at Them and Cut Galand down the Waist chopping Ban into two different halves!!

Ban: "MY LEGS!!! W-Where are my Legs!?!? Oh!! Oh... There they are!! Don't worry there right here!! No Worries!!"

Galand: "I remember you!!! Your the guy who can't die!!!"

 Ban: "No, I'm the guy who heals real quickly but nice Try Maryland!!!"

Ban Then put's the Halves of himself again!!

Ban: "Hit my theme!!!"

Ban: "Seriously that's My Theme!?"

Hey, I decided it so either you use your theme or not!!

Ban: "Fine I'll use it!!"

Ban Pulled out his Staff and Charged at Galand and started hitting him across the head with it causing blunt force trauma with every blow cause shockwaves!!  Galand just stabs him in the chest with his Staff and Lifted him up slamming him into the ground!! Jackson who got back up Jump Kicked Galand on the back as Ban then Kicked Galand up the chin!!

Galand then Un-suppressed his Powers and Released a Red shockwave as Jackson and Ban Got back up!! He then Turned into Jackninja and Ban, and He Charged at Galand with Jackson stabbing his eyes with Two Water Shurikens, and Ban punched him in the gut but returned it by Punching both of them in the Guts causing the both of them to cough up blood!!

Galand: "As You can both see I am very Powerful!! More powerful than the entirety of the Seven deadly sins and your Friend here!! So Give up!!"

Jackson 10 then Dissapeared Leaving them Both confused!! Galand looked around until he Appeared in front of him!!



Galand: "Gah!!! My Goddamn Face!!! No, wait!! I'm okay!! I lied!!"

Galand was then About to punch Our Hero but he was stopped by a Magical Blast!! The Calvary had arrived and they were all about to hit him but he simply removed all Suppression and His Power levels soars through the roof as he grew A Pair of wings made out of Darkness and a Massive Exploding red aura surrounded him!!

Merlin: "What the-!?"

King: "No Way!!"

Ban: "Holy shit!!"

Gowther: "I'm shocked."

Esacanor: "Finally a Challange!!

Diane: "So Powerful!!"

Meliodas: "Hmm... I'm just surprised He could do it!! Good for him!!"

Matrona: "Um... I'm going to stand back and Protect Elizabeth!! You guys do your thing!!"

Jackson: "Kaioken X5!!! Requip: Armory Arm!!!"

Galand: "Ah... Just Like Old Times...  NOW LETS FIGHT!!!!!"

To Be Continued...

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