Out Drinking!/ Kobayashi Drunk!/ A Nosebleed worthy Moment!

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3rd Person POV

One Night Jackson was out with Kobayashi, Tohru, Elma, Lucoa, and one of their Friends Fafnir drinking at a nearby Pub taking a break from their usual day and Venting about their problems. They were all Drinking some Beer except for Jackson because he's the only one under the legal drinking age of 21. So he just had a Soda with a Lemon squeeze and a Straw.

Fafnir was currently talking about his Videogame woes about some Troll who decided to... well troll him.

Fafnir: "So then this little Bastard decided to blow up my house and steal all of My diamonds! I wish I can just get an Ender dragon and burn down his little shack of a house!" *Takes a sip*

Tohru: "So this Child stole all of your Treasure and exploded your house up! Tell me where he lives so I can annihilate him!" 

Jackson: "Tohru, Tohru, Tohru He's talking about Minecraft!"

Tohru: "Minecraft? Is that a Dwarven Mining City?"

Jackson: "I need to really show you one of the greatest games ever tomorrow!"

Elma: "What do you even do in this Minecraft?"

Jackson: "Well you do just about anything you want! It's basically a world you make anything you want of it!!"

Lucoa: "So you mean I can rebuild Tenocthtitlan from scratch!?"

Jackson: "Indeed!"

Lucoa: "I have to play this game!"

Elma: "Me too!"

Kobayashi, of course, was chugging down her 5th glass of frothy beer and was getting seriously drunk. Her cheeks were getting red, her eyes were getting droopy, Her speech slurred, and the logical part of her Mind shutting down!

Kobayashi: "Hey Give me another one of those Beers! I need some more!"

Jackson: "Koba I think you have enough!"

Kobayashi: "Shut up officer I'll tell you when I have enough!! Wait This isn't what I'm supposed to say to an officer! What I mean is What's the Officer Problem?"

Lucoa: *Chuckling to herself* "I guess You really can't handle your bear, Huh Koba?"

Kobayashi: "Shut up! Just because we all don't have that Gigantic, stripper, Tits that you have doesn't make you better than us normal people you fucking, Sex wanting, Ex-Goddess, Sleeping with your sister's BF, mother fucking bitch!"

Lucoa: *Shocked* "Excuse me what?"

Kobayashi: "And You Tohru!"

Tohru: "What!? Me!?"

Kobayashi: "What the fuck are you wearing!? Why This cosplay bullshit!? If you're going to wear something then, please make it actually worth wearing!!!"

Tohru: "I mean it's my scales Miss Kobayashi and-"

Kobayashi: "Take it off!"

Tohru: *Flustered* "W-What!?"

Kobayashi: "I said Take it off!!"

She then Slipped Tohru's maid outfit off her and she was left Completely Naked using her arms covering her chest yet leaving every other part exposed and Jackson well the poor guy saw her and immediately had an explosive nosebleed spilling nasal blood everywhere before Fainting!


Jackson woke up in bed with Tohru (who was thankfully wearing Pajama's) and Kobayashi Hugging him and he was dazed and confused.

Jackson: "Uh... What happened?"

Tohru Explained what happened last night.

Jackson: "Oh that explains it..."

Kobayashi: "Would you two please be quiet! I'm having a terrible hangover!!"

Jackson: "I told you to hold back last night!"

Kobayashi: "Oh Shut up!"

Jackson: "You're so cute when you're Like this."

He then kissed her on the cheek.

Tohru: "You wanna go downstairs? Some of the girls are Making Pancakes!"

Jackson: "Sure!" *Kisses Koba* "I'll make sure to bring you back some Pancakes!"

Kobayashi: "Thank you... You're the best man I ever met..."

Jackson: "Thank you."

They then went down the hall for some Breakfast!


Tohru was Playing Minecraft on Jackson's Laptop while he sat next to her and she was currently chopping down some Tree's with a Stone Axe and she asked a strange question.

Tohru: "Is this Game for Autistic People?"

Jackson: "Now why would you ever ask that Tohru?"

Tohru: "Because I'm starting to love it!!!" :D

Jackson: :D

To Be Continued...

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