Seton Academy: Join the Pack- Part 3/ The Horse or Maybe a Donkey...?

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3rd Person POV

Jackson and the girls were at Lunch well... of course, eating Lunch as they each had their own things and Ferryl forced him to sit on her lap and of course much to his Chagrin offered to feed him in which he begrudgingly accepted because He didn't want to fight her because once again #1 She's a girl and #2 She is really powerful Mofo!!

Ferryl: "Say Ah!!"

Jackson: "F-Ferryl... I can feed myself..."

Ferryl: "No!! It's my job to feed my Mate!! Now say Ah!!"

Jackson: "A-Ah..."

She then stuffed some food into his mouth by a fork which she used her hand to make him forcefully chew it and swallow!! She was tough but caring!!

Meimei: *Blushing* "Hey Jackson... Can you possibly feed me... the same way...?"

Jackson was blushing too unable to answer that question when Ferryl grabbed her by the head and was Prepared to slam her head into the ground!!

Ferryl: "How dare you!! HE'S MY MATE!!!!"

Jackson: "Ferryl please stop!! You're going to hurt her!!"

Ranka: "Please Onii-Chan Don't hurt her..."

Ferryl: "I'm sorry Ranka And Jackson!! I would do anything for my little sis and Mate!!"

Ferryl then began Licking his Cheek as if she was a dog which Made him turn bright red as then Ranka then joined in licking his other cheek making him about to pass out!!

Kurumi: "Wow they sure are affectionate-Nya!!"

Miyubi: "Yeah... So... Affectionate..."

Meimei: "I kind of wished she would hurt me..."

Yukari: "What is wrong with you Meimei!?"

Just then a voice was heard across the lunchroom making everyone go silent!!

???: "Well Isn't it the Chimp!!"

Jackson: "Well Isn't it the Ass!!"

???: "For the Last time I'm not a Donkey I'm a beautiful horse!!"

???: "For the Last time I'm not a Donkey I'm a beautiful horse!!"

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Chroe (Zebra)

Jackson: "I never said anything about you not being beautiful!!"

Chroe: "S-Shut Up Baka!!!"

Chroe turned bright pink remember when they first met she was Bossing Ranka around when Jackson showed up and flat at called her a donkey and to prove it lifted her over his shoulder and Lifted up her skirt to reveal her Donkey like tail with the fluff only at the end and she retreated back to her dorm in absolute Embarrassment but that Moment made her realize she kind of likes him but is such a Tsundere as to not admit it!!

Ferryl: "So What is it that you want MY MATE!?"

Jackson: "Ferryl please calm down!! But Seriously what is it!?"

Ranka: "You better not be taking our Jackson away from us!!"

Pack: "Yeah!!"

Chroe: "Well... Um... I was going to ask if you want to join my herd!!"

Pack: *Seething Rage*

Chroe: *Nervous chuckle*

Jackson: "I'm sorry Chroe but I already have my pack but you hang out with us if you want!!"

Pack: "What!?"

Jackson: "Girls!"

Pack: *Sigh* "Okay..."

Chroe: "Oh Goodie!!"

She then ran up to him and Hugged him but five seconds in she realized what she was doing and let go playing the Tsundere card!!

Chroe: "I-It's not That I like Y-You BAKA!!!"

Jackson: *Smirks* "Alright then Ass..."

Chroe: "I am a horse!!"

In the Hallways!!

That Molerat girl from earlier was walking through the halls feeling super nervous because in her (and every Molerats eyes) Wearing clothes is the Equivalent of being Naked and in her mind, she's Naked and Is surrounded by Naked People!!

That Molerat girl from earlier was walking through the halls feeling super nervous because in her (and every Molerats eyes) Wearing clothes is the Equivalent of being Naked and in her mind, she's Naked and Is surrounded by Naked People!!

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??? (Now with Clothes)

Everyone was a bit shocked to see her up above the ground and not to mention wearing more than her Bra and Panties at one time!! 

???: 'Oh my god I want to strip so Badly!!! I just hated being Naked like this!! No!!! I must do this!!! For Jackson!!! He is My one and only Mate!!! Just gotta get to find him and bring him back to the club room and then I can finally remove my clothes!! Just hold on!!'

To Be Continued...

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