Introducing Gwenpool and SpiderGwen!!!/ The Mysterious Bag!!!

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3rd Person POV

Jackson was just sitting on a Bunch at the Park reading a Book some of the Girls (The Bookworms) Suggested for him to read and he was Peacefully enjoying this time to himself!! No Monsters, No Badguys, No Crazygirlfriend Moments!! It was Great!! Or that was Until...

???: "Hi Bestest Buddy!!"

Jackson: "'Oh Great..."

At First, you may think this is Wayde Wilson otherwise known as Deadpool but no it's his Alternate Counterpart Gwendolyne "Gwen" Poole otherwise Known as Gwenpool!!

At First, you may think this is Wayde Wilson otherwise known as Deadpool but no it's his Alternate Counterpart Gwendolyne "Gwen" Poole otherwise Known as Gwenpool!!

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The White and Pink Female Anti-Hero quickly glomped him and started putting him in a Deathgrip otherwise known as Gwenpool Friend Hug!!!

Jackson: *Strangled* "Gwen... Pain!!!"

Gwenpool then dropped him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt making direct eye contact!!

Gwenpool: "Jackson what do I have to tell you!? While I'm doing this it's not Gwen!! It's Gwenpool!!"

Jackson: "Got it!!"

Gwenpool: *Drops him* "Great!!! So what are you doing Best Buddy!?"

Jackson: "Well I was Reading a Book and-!!"

Gwenpool: "Well Change of Plans!!"

Jackson: "Huh!?"

Gwenpool: "I need Your Help!!"

Jackson: *Suspicious* "Like... What...?"

Gwenpool: "Weeeeeell Yoooou Seeeee..."


Gwenpool was Hanging out on a Roof with a Teal Gym bag next listening to her favorite song "X Gonna give it to you" When The Bag was Caught in a Web and She looked to where the Bag was being Pulled to see None other than SpiderGwen!!!

Gwenpool was Hanging out on a Roof with a Teal Gym bag next listening to her favorite song "X Gonna give it to you" When The Bag was Caught in a Web and She looked to where the Bag was being Pulled to see None other than SpiderGwen!!!

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Gwenpool: "Hey, Hey, Hey What the Hell!? That Bag is Mine SpiderGwen!! Now Please Give it back!!"

SpiderGwen: "Alright GwenPool whatever you say But You stole that No Matter what!!"

Gwenpool: "Well I stole that First so It's Mine!!"

SpiderGwen: "Have you been Picking up that Logic From Deadpool!?"

Gwenpool: "Have you been Getting your sense of Right and Wrong From Spidey!?"

SpiderGwen: "Enough!! I'm taking this back to its rightful owner!!"

Gwenpool: "Aw come on you can't do that to me!! I need it!!"

SpiderGwen: "Well too bad!!"

SpiderGwen zips off as Gwenpool concocts a Plan!!

Gwenpool: "And Here We Are now!!"

Flashback End!!

Gwenpool: "Yeah Like what she Said!!"

Jackson: "I'm just gonna ignore that 4th wall Break and Help you Get that Bag Back!!"

Gwenpool: "Really!? Great!! We'll just need to break into her Apartment and-!!"

Jackson: No Need!!"

Gwenpool: "Huh!?"

Jackson: "I have a copy of Gwen's Apartment Keys!!"

Gwenpool: "What!? Who!? Huh!? Why!? How!?"

Jackson: "After the last time we Teamed up she gave me the keys in case she ever wanted for me to come over!!"

Gwenpool: "Great!!!"


Gwenpool was Ramsacking Spidergwen's entire apartment checking every nook and Cranny for the Bag!!

Jackson: "I'm not sure it's Here Gwenpool!!"

Gwenpool: "No I'm damn sure it's here!!"

SpiderGwen then swung through the open window and She was at first happy seeing Jackson here but then Was shocked seeing Gwenpool was Here and Then got smug when she realized what she was looking for!!

SpiderGwen: *Smug* "Looking for this!?" *Pulls out The Bag*

Gwenpool: *Dramatic Gasp* "Yes!!"

SpiderGwen: "Jackson can you please leave!?"

Jackson: "Been wanting to all day!! Thank you!!"

He then walked out of the apartment and as soon as the door was shut and the Sound of the Elevator dinged the two Gewn's Looked at each other and began talking!!

SpiderGwen: "Look I'm willing to share with you what's inside!! But it's Half and Half!! Got it!?"

Gwenpool: "Got it!!"

They then Opened the Bag and it was Filled with Kawaii J10 Merchandise Spidergwen was able to pick up from Japan from one of that Specialty stores (This one centering J10) and began splitting it half and half between each other!!

Gwenpool: "I love these So much!!"

SpiderGwen: "Why do you think I was so protective!! He's the best Husbando!!"

Gwenpool: "Indeed!! I'm going to assume that means Boyfriend!!"

From a Rooftop across the busy street was Spiderman and Deadpool watching with awe!!

Spiderman: "Wow!! I can't believe both of our Gwens are going "Kawaii" For our Friend!!"

Deadpool: "Yeah!! Well it's time to send us off I guess!!"

Deadpool Narrator: To Be Continued...

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