Akame Ga Kill/ Part 2- A New Mission!!/ The Powerful Lioness!!

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3rd Person POV

After Erza got Makarov and And Makarov stopped a Possible Fight Leone, Akame, Mime, and Chelsea started explaining about what's been happening!! In a Nearby country close to Here (The Kingdom of Fiore) there is A Dictatorship country known simply as "The Empire" Which Is had expanded its influence to the other small Countries surrounding it turning them into Client states in which The Empire controls!!

This Dictatorship is ruled over by A Woman by the name of "Esdeath" (Yes Death as in the Concept) who has created Assasins to serve under her and a group called the Jaegers!! And As they explained we are here now with Akame explaining everything!!

Akame: "...So we hope to get some Help here to fight Esdeath and Overthrow the dictatorship once and for all!!"

Makarov: "Hmm... So I see... Well, It depends if anyone wants to take the Mission!! Anyone who wants to take the Mission please speak up!!"

Everyone: "..."

Erza: "Lucy, Jackon, and I will take the Mission!!!"

Lucy/ Jackson: "WHAT!?!?"

Lucy: "You seriously want me to deal with a woman as dangerous at that!?"

Jackson: "And I can't do It!! I'm not a member!!"

Makarov: "But I believe in you three!! And Jackson you are technically a Member but an Alumni Member!! You can Make it official if you want!!"

Jackson: *Thinking* "Sure!! Let's do it!!"

Makarov: "Erza stamp him!!"

Erza: "You got it!!"

Erza got the stamping kit and Planted a Green Fairy Guild mark on his Hand!!

Erza got the stamping kit and Planted a Green Fairy Guild mark on his Hand!!

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Natsu: "Why can't Gray and I go on the mission!!

Gray: "Yeah!! Why!?"


Natsu/Gray: *Scared* "Yes Ma'am!!!"

Leone then rubbed herself up to him as she then suddenly shoved his Head deep inside of his Cleavage shocking all of the other girls as he turned bright pink!!

Leone: "Hm... You know that Mark makes you even Sexier than Before~"

Jackson: *Muffled Embarrassment*

Erza/ Lucy: "LET GO OF OUR MAN!!!!"

Leone: "Why Don't you make me then!?"

Mine: "Leone you Idiot let him go!!" 'I swear if he does that too him for one more second I'll shoot her in the skull'

Chelsea: "This Is just stupid now please let him go!!" 'I wish I had Breats like that so I can do it to him!!'

Akame: "Leone Stop!! 'Goddamnit It Leone I wanted to do that to him!!'

Leone: "Please Bitches You all Just of what I'm doing to him right now!!!"

Erza: "Let him go Now!!!"

Leone: "Fine!! You'll never stand up to the Lioness Now!!

She then let him go after he nearly ran out of breath and Transformed with The Ears, Paws, and Tail of a Lion!!!

She then let him go after he nearly ran out of breath and Transformed with The Ears, Paws, and Tail of a Lion!!!

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Leone (Lion Form)

Jackson Regains Sight and Sees Leone and Was a bit Freaked out, to say the least!!


All 6 Girls then Begin fighting each other yelling at each other about what Leone did, was it right or not, and who gets to do it next!! It was like Pandora's romantic Box has been unleashed upon this guild!!

Makarov: "You seem to be one lucky Man Shadowbelt!!"

Jackson: *sigh* "It's a Blessing and a Curse..."

Girls: *Yelling and Fighting at each other*

To Be Continued...

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