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☆ 51. Chapter 51

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51 Jiang Yu took Xuan home, and the two sat facing each other. Because of the hot weather, Jiang Yu put a basin of water in all four corners of the house to cool down, although it is not very useful, but it is better than nothing.

Jiang Yu stared at Xuan and asked, "Where did you meet them?"

"Behind the mountains, when I saw them, they were preparing to pitch their tents. Hyun replied honestly.

Jiang Yu touched his chin and continued to ask: "Do you think what Hunting said is somewhat credible?"

Xuan thought for a moment and said, "Seven points are credible."

Jiang Yu: "What do you say?"

Xuan: "I expanded my hunting grounds a lot, and found that the farther away from the tribe, the less water there was in the air, and this was still just the distance through a forest.

Jiang Yu pondered.

Hyun continued: "So I don't think what the hunt said is false, there is a great shortage of water outside, and it is possible to start a war at any time for the sake of water.

"But the water outside the tribe shows no sign of disappearing at all. Jiang Yu said in a low voice.

"I followed the flow of water, and it disappeared when it reached a place with a lot of stones, and the direction of the water was still in the direction of the plains, and it did not flow to the tribes. "Hyun thinks a lot, and he went to see it as early as the first time he noticed that something was wrong.

It seems that the water has turned into an undercurrent, and as for where this undercurrent comes out in the end, it is not Jiang Yu's responsibility.

Jiang Yu: "It seems that this dry season is not good.

Xuan nodded: "Well, when the dry season is over, many small tribes will disappear." Jiang

Yu understood what Xuan said, small tribes have water sources but can't keep them, what awaits them is only death, in this era, life is the least valuable, as long as you kill people, you don't have to take responsibility.

It's a harsh reality, but it's also a great opportunity.

The tribe is short of people, as long as these small tribes are rescued and let them trust Jiujing to trust them, this is a lot of human resources!

Moreover, this primordial world trusts the gods very much, as long as they move their minds a little, these people will not betray them at all.

A golden light appeared in Jiang Yu's eyes, and he looked uncomfortable.

What did Yu think of?

Jiang Yu coughed, restrained his exaggerated expression, and said with a smile: "Xuan."

Xuan always had a bad premonition, but when Jiang Yu called him, he would definitely respond: "Huh?

Jiang Yu squinted: "If you have time, can you go and bring back those small tribes that are about to be wiped out?"

Xuan was silent for a while, and then he understood Jiang Yu's gaze, and it seemed that his priest had taken a fancy to the labor force of those people.

Xuan: "Okay.

Jiang Yu grinned: "I knew that you would agree!"

Hyun laughed helplessly.

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