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☆ 86. Chapter 86

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86 After the second batch of people who took the initiative to sign up were successfully awakened, the word that the Nine Views Tribe could make people become ability warriors spread like this.

Now the large and small water sources around are dried up and used up, and now there are many tribes gathered around the nine scenes.

In addition, the fact that the Nine Scenes can make ordinary people become capable warriors has already been investigated by many large tribes.

Jiang Yu stood on the city wall, frowning at the frightened birds and beasts not far away.

Xuan climbed up and saw Jiang Yu staring into the distance in a daze, came to Jiang Yu's side and raised his hand to arrange Jiang Yu's windswept hair: "What's wrong, what's wrong."

Jiang Yu glanced at Xuan, saw that he was tinkering with his hair, and didn't say anything and continued to look at the birds and beasts flying in the distance.

"There are too many people out there.

"Isn't it good to have a lot of people? Xuan straightened Jiang Yu's hair.

Jiang Yu: "There are many good people, but if these people outside don't choose to join Jiujing, it will become a big hidden danger."

Xuan followed Jiang Yu's line of sight, the originally vacated place was already overcrowded, and there was no vacant place, basically the tribe was next to the tribe.

In this is also a powerful tribe bullying small tribes and letting them give up their good positions, and now the tribes in the outer circle are basically some tribes with few people, only one old priest left, or the tribe of the old patriarch.

Don't look at the harmony now, if other tribes attack, these tribes don't know how fast they run, and it's already good if they don't fall into the well.

It's not that Jiang Yu is pessimistic, but from the number of birds and beasts flying on the side in the past few days, he thinks that other tribes will come over soon.

Since the start of the drought, it has not rained at all, but there is no shortage of water here, and it seems that the water in other places will not last long.

Jiang Yu looked at the sun above his head and asked, "Have you ever been like this before?"

Xuan thought for a moment and replied, "Yes, but not for long, and it will still rain a little."

Jiang Yu nodded, it seemed that this natural disaster had happened to them so coincidentally.

Jiang Yu: "I want to dig a canal out of the water, and then let these people leave us."

"Okay. Xuan didn't ask Jiang Yu why he did this, but there must be a reason for him, and there must be no harm to the tribe.

Jiang Yu looked sideways at Jiang Yu: "Don't ask why I did this."

Xuan smiled: "I believe you."

Jiang Yu shrugged, just these three simple words,

Jiang Yu really didn't know how to answer.

Xuan didn't ask, Jiang Yu still had to say, after all, Xuan was the patriarch of this tribe, and what happened to this tribe in the future depended on him.

"I want to make use of the outer ring and build some houses in the outer ring, and soon we will be very lively here. Jiang Yu said: "Moreover, it is not good for these tribes to live in the outer circle, the tribe has been almost built, we can't enclose the land as a prison, we also need to go out for a walk."

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