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☆ 134. Chapter 134

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134 Jiang Yu was not Xi to eating too much in the morning, and after casually eating some fruit and broth, he sat on the side and stared at the surrounding environment in a daze.

Xuan's appetite is much greater than Jiang Yu's, and every time Jiang Yu eats and touches his stomach to digest it, he will eat the rest of the food as well, and there is nothing left.

Wasting food here is a very serious problem, so even if it is unpalatable, you have to eat it, which is the capital to survive.

Jiang Yu was clear about his appetite, and there wasn't much left in his bowl, so after Xuan finished eating his share, he naturally took Jiang Yu's share and ate it.

As soon as Jiang Yu turned his head, he saw that Xuan was eating his leftover pieces of meat, pursed his lips and shrugged his shoulders on the stone table with one hand on the stone table and looked at the periphery of the fence again: "Xiaobai and the white wolf, I don't know when they will come back."

Xuan ate clean food and said, "Don't worry, this is the territory of the white wolf, even if the two of them don't come back for a few days, there is no problem."

Jiang Yu thought about it, it was no problem for the two of them to go out for a long time before, but now they have only gone out for one night.

After Xuan tidied up the table, he came to Jiang Yu and asked, "When are we leaving?"

Jiang Yu saw that there was still no movement around, and thought for a moment: "We'll go later, Xiaobai and the white wolf will let them play here." "

Hmm. Hyun nodded.

The two of them simply cleaned up and set off to mine salt in the salt mine.

I haven't been to the salt mining area for too long, and on the way there, Jiang Yu accidentally took Xuan to get lost twice, and almost blinded himself.

Fortunately, I finally found the right route and arrived at my destination.

This is the first time Xuan has seen such a large salt mine, and it is no exaggeration to say that the entire hill is full of white flowers and delicate salt.

Xuan gasped: "The salt here is enough for several Jiujing tribes, and it can't be used up."

Jiang Yu hooked his lips and smiled: "Don't talk about this, let's hurry up and try to go back as soon as possible." "

Hmm. Xuan nodded, just took a step, as if thinking of something, he looked back at Jiang Yu: "If this place is discovered, it will be very dangerous to come again."

Jiang Yu shook his head: "This place will not be discovered yet, and if there is a salt mine, it means that there is more than one place here, so don't think too much."

Xuan pursed her lips, and in the end she didn't say anything, and followed Jiang Yu into the salt mine.

Before, Jiang Yu dug salt alone, and he couldn't dig much by himself with a lot of work, and it was very good to be able to bring enough salt for the Jiujing tribe to use until now.

Now that Hyun has joined, the speed of digging salt is faster than he digging alone, I don't know how much, and at the end of the day, he digs the amount he dug for three days before.

However, it is still far from enough to bring it back to the tribe.

Hyun thought that with his own joining, it would be almost enough to dig for a day, but unfortunately the imagination is very beautiful, but the reality is not very wonderful.

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