Ring Pops and Lifesavers (Michael Clifford)

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Age 6

"My mum said that she and my dad are best friends and that's why they got married," the boy sitting across the table from you explained, "And you're my best friend, so does that mean we should get married too?" You tilted your head in thought before looking at him curiously.

"What do married people do?" you asked. Michael took a moment to think himself.

"I don't know," he shrugged, "I think they just have sleepovers every night and eat together and hold hands and stuff."

"Well, we do that stuff too," you mentioned.

"Then are we already married?" he asked with slightly wide eyes.

"I don't think so," you shook your head, "My mum and dad have rings they wear all the time, but we don't."

"We should get some then."

"How do we do that? Dad said it took him two years to save money for Mum's ring."

Michael began digging through his backpack, pulling out his lunchbox. He opened it, searching until he found what he was looking for. He opened the package at an angle you couldn't see, only to smile when he revealed what he was holding. He held out the cherry-flavored Ring Pop to you, a goofy grin on his face.

"Will you marry me?" he asked.

You immediately went into your own backpack, pulling out a pack of gummy Lifesavers. You dug out a bright blue one and held it out to Michael.

"Only if you'll marry me," you said.

You both giggled and nodded to answer each other's questions. Michael put the Ring Pop on your finger and you put the Lifesaver on his as you continued your giggling fits.

"I'm happy we're married now," Michael told you, leaning forward and kissing your cheek. You smiled brightly, kissing his cheek in return.

"Me too, Mikey," you replied.


Age 17

You looked back on elementary school fondly, grateful you had a friend like Michael throughout those years. But as all the stories go, the two of you started drifting apart in middle and high school.

It had nothing to do with either of you, really; The two of you just started hanging out with different people – Michael found a small group of friends who shared his love of music, and you had friends who shared your passion for writing. You and Michael would talk in the hallway every now and then when you would see each other between classes or before and after school, but other than that, you didn't spend too much time together outside of the building.

You wouldn't be the last person to say you missed him, but what could you do? You both had other things going on and as much as you wanted to see him more, you just didn't have the time – and when you did, Michael was always busy with something. So you just gradually stopped trying. You didn't want to – God, you really didn't want to – but maybe things with Michael just weren't meant to be.


Age 22

Fate, however, seemed to have other plans for the two kids who had been partners in crime since they were in diapers.

Michael had started a band with his three best friends when they were in high school. They never really got much attention, but they would play shows at small venues and parks around Sydney.

And that was how you reconnected.

You'd decided to go to an open mic night that one of the venues was hosting, not even knowing that Michael's band would be there. You were sitting at a table off to the side, but you could still see the stage perfectly.

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