Ways to Say I Love You (Calum Hood)

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"Take my seat."

It wasn't like you planned on buying so many groceries; you just didn't expect them to be so heavy. Usually, you did shopping like this in trips – knowing you had to take the bus to and from the store. But you'd been allowing yourself to slack off for a couple weeks, subsequently leading you to this moment.

You'd finished your shopping and gotten onto the bus, sighing to yourself when you noticed there were no seats open.

"I'll just wait for the next one, Kev," you said softly.

"Next bus won't come by for another hour and a half, Y/N," the bus driver reminded you.

You paused for a moment – you didn't really want to wait, but you honestly didn't think you could stand on a moving bus for the next 20 minutes without dropping everything and you obviously couldn't walk what would be a 30-minute bus ride. But before you could shrug and get back off, someone spoke up.

"You can take my seat," one of the men in first couple rows said, standing up so you knew who was talking.

"You don't have to-"

"The longer we stand here and bicker, the more people are going to be annoyed," he said with a smile.

Your cheeks immediately turned red in embarrassment, not even glancing at the people around. You quickly swiped your metro card and shyly approached the man.

"Thanks," you whispered, not noticing his smile as you sat down where he'd previously been. You set your bags on your lap, letting out a soft sigh of relief at knowing you could give your arms a 30-minute break.

"So do you always buy the whole store before you get on the bus?" the man who'd given you his seat asked. You looked up at him, finding a grin on his face. You just rolled your eyes.

"I didn't plan on getting so much," you informed him.

"I can see that," he chuckled as he nodded, "I think you would have been better prepared." You rolled your eyes again, but you couldn't help but smile as you glanced out the window. "I'm Calum," you heard beside you, making you look up at the man who had given you his seat.

"Huh?" you asked, having not actually heard what he said.

"That's my name," he smiled, "Calum."

"Y/N," you replied softly in return.

"Y/N," you heard Calum mumble to himself, still wearing the same smile he had been since the moment he started talking to you.

You blushed lightly at the sound of it and things between you two were silent for the next 25 minutes.


When Kevin pulled up to your bus stop, you were surprised to find Calum getting off at the same time. He'd gotten off the bus first, not even realizing you were as well until he heard your bags moving around as you stepped onto the sidewalk. He turned his head before his entire body followed suit and he was facing you.

"You don't need help getting those to your place, do you?" he asked.

"You could be an axe murderer," you mentioned, setting the bags down to give yourself a break before you had to pick them up again.

"Some axe murderer I am then," he scoffed, "I forgot my axe at home this morning." You couldn't help but laugh loudly, making him grin as he went on, "Seriously though; Do you need help?"

"Nah," you told him, "I've been carrying them for this long – couple more minutes won't kill me."

"Are you s-"

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