Crazy About You (Trevor Collins)

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Your heart felt like it was beating in every single inch of your body as you walked down the hallway after getting off your plane. You were sure you were either going to pass out or throw up from nervousness – and at this point, you weren't sure which one it was going to be.

You lived a pretty normal life – you had great friends, supportive family, and the most amazing boyfriend you could have ever asked for. But something that could be considered out of the ordinary was the fact that you'd never met him.

You'd been a fan of Rooster Teeth for quite some time, so it was a bit surreal to be able to say that Trevor Collins was your boyfriend. You didn't know how it happened exactly – all you knew was that all the texts and phone calls and Skype sessions eventually turned into flirting and makeshift movie nights and dates through a computer screen.

And when RTX 2017 rolled around, you decided you wanted to take it a step further.

As far as Trevor knew, you weren't coming. He'd talked about how cool it would be if you were able to fly to Austin for the convention, but up until the moment you bought your plane ticket, you honestly didn't think it was going to happen.

And that was when you knew you wanted to surprise him.

Meg had helped you with all of the planning – she was the only person you told about surprising Trevor because you knew she wouldn't tell anybody else and risk word getting back to him before the day came to finally see him in person – and agreed to sneak out of the convention center long enough to pick you up from the airport so you didn't have to take an Uber.

You were thankful for Meg in many aspects, but mainly because she was someone you always went to for advice about your relationship with Trevor. It was understandably hard on you – and him as well – to be so far apart, and since she and Gavin had done long-distance before she moved to Austin, she really helped you cope with not being able to physically be with Trevor.


"I think m'gonna be sick," you murmured as you and Meg both got out of her car.

"It's gonna be fine, Y/N," Meg said, joining you on the sidewalk and wrapping her arm around your shoulders as she led you inside the convention center, "I felt the same way before Gav and I met in person."

"You did?"

"Of course! It's always nerve-racking to meet someone for the first time!" she assured you, "But Trevor's crazy about you – he hasn't shut up about you since the day you two started talking."

"I know," you couldn't help but laugh, "They make fun of him in the Let's Plays sometimes."

"So you know he'll be excited to see you," she smiled, "So there's nothing to worry about."

"When will he get to see me again?" you asked softly.

"Probably in about 10 minutes," she answered, "He's on the main stage right now discussing the plan for the live Let's Play, but they were almost done when I left to get you. Or we can go crash it now if you want." You looked at her and she smiled again. "That's what I was thinking too," she said, making you giggle as she took you to the main stage.

As you approached the doors, she told you to wait for her cue. You nodded and she went to stand in the doorway, hollering so the men onstage would hear her from the back of the room.

"Hey, guys!" Meg said, making them look at her, "You still need Trevor for anything?"

"Nah, we're all done here!" Jack answered.

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