Teammates (Maxx Danziger)

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"Oh, boy..." you heard one of the boys mumble to the others around him as you stormed into the locker room and headed toward the soccer coach's office – and truth be told, had you not been so pissed off, you probably would have smiled at the comment.

"Do you honestly think this is any way to treat your team?!" you all but shouted, making the Coach jump as you slammed his office door behind you.

"What are you talking about, young lady?" he asked, sitting up in his seat. He motioned toward the chair in front of his desk but you ignored it.

"At what point are you going to pull your head out of your ass long enough to start paying attention to the things you're doing to this team?" you spat back.

Coach Lee cocked an eyebrow at the language you were using with him. Any other time, you never would have said something like that to a teacher – but then again, this wasn't any other time.

"I'm sorry?" he said. You knew it was rhetorical – that he didn't actually want you to explain your actions – but you did anyway.

"Every single night after practice, I am bandaging every injury in the book all because you refuse to take the health and safety of your players seriously," you replied, "And I am quite frankly sick and tired of waiting around wondering whether or not the next injury my boyfriend comes home with is going to be more serious than the last."

"Now you listen here, young lady," Coach Lee said firmly as if he was trying to get you to back down, "Just because you don't understand the game-" Your response that time was to put your palms on the desktop and lean toward him.

"I have played soccer since I was 7-years-old and I understand the game perfectly," you growled, not scared of him in the slightest, "But anyone with a brain knows damn well that it does not involve working your players to the point of passing out from exhaustion or being unable to walk the next day because they cannot physically move their legs anymore. I don't give a fuck what kind of scare tactics you try to pull on me, but I'm not going to stop until your sorry ass is out of a job and unable to ever find a new one."

You ended your rant by leaving before he had the chance to respond, knowing he was going to go to the Dean and tell him what you'd done, but you didn't care – all you cared about was making sure he never had the chance to treat any other soccer player the way he treats your boyfriend – or his teammates – again.


Maxx's POV

"Dude!" Dan exclaimed when he saw his best friend walking into the locker room a few minutes later.

"What's up?" he replied. His eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion when he noticed all of his teammates gathered around his locker.

"Since when did your girlfriend become such a badass?!" Cody asked, only heightening Maxx's confusion.

"What are you talking about?" he laughed nervously.

"She was just in here ripping Coach a new one!" Zach all but shouted, "It was the coolest thing I've ever seen!"

"She told him to pull his head out of his ass and stop working us so hard!" Josh added, "She said she was tired of bandaging people up and wondering what injury you'd come home with next and then she said she was gonna make sure he got fired and oh my God, it was amazing!" Maxx was silent for a moment, but there was a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth.

"Where is she?" he asked.

"We don't know," Cody shook his head, "After she left, Coach said he'd be right back, so he's probably talking to Dean Wheaton right now."

Imagines and One-Shots (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now