When It Rains (Cody Carson)

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roommate cody fuck me up!!!!!!!!!

warning: panic attack???? i guess????


You and Cody had known each other for about six months when he found out about your fear of thunderstorms. You'd moved into his apartment near the beginning of fall – finally finding a roommate after looking for what felt like forever so you could live closer to your job – so it was understandable that he didn't know about it until living together for that long.

Though, how he found out was what embarrassed you the most.

It wasn't supposed to storm that night, but one had started developing a little after 4am a few miles away. You remained asleep for the beginning of it – the light thunder and subtle flashes of lightning not disrupting you at all – until it started to get worse.

The sudden downpour of rain had been what woke you up, but you didn't think anything of it – rain was always welcomed in your book. But after opening your eyes for a brief moment to look at the clock on your nightstand, you saw a bright flash out of the corner of your eye.

And that was what made your heart start racing.

Your parents knew how you got during storms, so if it had woken one of them up in the middle of the night, they would always come into your room and distract you until it was over. But now, you lived across town and that wasn't an option anymore. And as much as you trusted that Cody wouldn't judge you for being scared, you couldn't make yourself get up and sit with him.

However, that wasn't to say that he wouldn't help you out anyway.

Being that Cody was an insomniac and already awake, he grew concerned when he passed by your bedroom on his way to get a drink from the kitchen, hearing your small squeaks after every rumble of thunder no matter how loud or soft it was. He quietly knocked on your door, but he didn't bother waiting for a response before opening it.

He found you sitting up against the headboard of your bed, your knees pulled up to your chest, your eyes closed tightly, and your hands covering your ears as you desperately tried to keep your breathing steady. He didn't know what came over him in that moment – all he knew was that his heart ached seeing you like that and he wanted nothing more than for the crying to stop.

Cody closed your door behind him after stepping into the room, carefully making his way to your nightstand to turn on your lamp. You could hear the click of the lamp turning on, making you jump and open your eyes to find your roommate standing beside your bed. You would have asked him why he was there, but you could already tell he knew by the sympathetic smile on his face.

He climbed onto the bed beside you, opening his arms for you come onto his lap – and you certainly weren't going to pass up the offer. You and Cody had become incredibly close in your six months of living together, so it wasn't anything new to be cuddled up to him – although, it was a bit different when you were staining his shirt with your tears. He kept one arm wrapped securely around your lower back while the other hand was in your hair, running his fingers through it as he kissed the side of your forehead over and over again. He would feel you jump every time it thundered, but having him holding you managed to suppress the noises you'd been making before he came into the room.

By the time the storm had passed, you were completely calm again, which was a major feat for you considering you were usually still bawling for a while after it was over. You obviously apologized for ruining his shirt, but Cody assured you it was okay – 'a little water never hurt anybody' he told you.

You smiled slightly at the comment, climbing off of him and returning to where you'd been before. You said a low 'thank you' to which he replied with a 'you're welcome' as well as telling you that you shouldn't have to be embarrassed to ask him to help you the next time it stormed.

And you never hesitated in seeking him out during a thunderstorm again.


sorry it's short but this was requested by my baby jess and i hope u all liked it

inspiration: https://bribe-the-door.tumblr.com/post/160898641189/here-now

another similar imagine u could read: http://foreverstuckwritingandimagining.tumblr.com/post/153401078209/southern-gem-part-2-marshall-traver

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