Princess (Luke Hemmings)

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i lack the self-control to wait more than two days after posting to post again so. lucky you.


"Hey, princess."

You instinctively rolled your eyes, knowing the comment coming from down the hallway was for you. You ignored it, however, and continued to gather your books for your third period class. The boots striding along the tiled floor of the hall got louder and louder until the clink of a zipper hitting the locker next to yours rang in the air around you.

"You know, it's not polite to ignore people when they're talking to you, princess," Luke shook his head, eliciting another eye roll from you.

Luke Hemmings was the school's resident bad boy slash soccer team captain, causing trouble everywhere he went. You weren't as popular – most of your classmates didn't even know your name – but for some reason, you were the person Luke chose to pine for.

"You know it's not polite to ignore people when they tell you they don't want you to call them princess, Hemmings," you shot back, still not looking at him.

"When have you ever said you don't want me calling you princess?"

"Ah, let's see..." you pretended to think about it, "Every time you call me princess?"

"Huh, weird," he hummed, shrugging, "Anyway, I've got a proposition for you."

"Oh, boy; I can't wait to hear it," you said monotonously, shoving your pencil into the spiral of your notebook.

"During lunch, how about you and I ditch the cafeteria food and go to the mall?" he suggested. You instantly started laughing.

"Why don't you take one of your groupies instead?" you replied, shutting your locker door and finally looking up at him, "I'm sure they'd kill to have lunch with you."

"They're not as interesting as you are," he pouted. You rolled your eyes for a third time, simply turning and heading to class. "I'll meet you at the doors in the art hallway, princess!" he called after you.

"Not a chance, Hemmings!" you shouted back, disappearing around the corner.


Later that day

The rest of your classes went on without incident. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for after fifth period.

You were at your locker, mentally checking off what homework you had as you put it in your backpack, when you heard the familiar combat boots stomping closer. You sighed to yourself – you really didn't want to deal with this right now – but you didn't have a choice.

"Where were you earlier?" Luke asked as he came to a halt beside you, his voice was drastically lower than you'd ever heard before, causing you to cock an eyebrow.

"Well, I went to third period... Had lunch... Went to fourth period... Went to fifth period... And now, I'm going home," you replied casually, putting your homework into your backpack.

"You know what I meant, Y/N," he growled, "Why'd you bail on me?" You were a truthfully a bit taken aback by the use of your actual name.

"I didn't bail on you," you looked up at him, "Bailing would insinuate that I said I was going to go and then didn't show up; But I straight-up told you no, so technically, I didn't bail on anything because we didn't have an agreement to meet."

"I told you to meet me," he stated.

"And I said I wasn't going to," you replied harshly, not backing down. You knew he wanted you to cower and give into him, but you weren't about to go down without a fight. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to leave; I have a brother and sister waiting to be picked up from daycare," you spat, swinging your backpack over your shoulder and slamming your locker door, pushing past Luke and heading toward the back of the school where your car was parked.

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