Security Blanket (Michael Clifford)

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leather jacket michael can fuck me up


"What do you mean I can't wear it?" your boyfriend looked at you with a dumbfounded expression.

"You cannot wear a leather jacket to prom, Michael," you repeated yourself for what felt like the hundredth time.


"You have to look nice!" you rolled your eyes, "Do you think I'm gonna show up wearing jeans and your hoodie? Of course not!"

"This jacket is who I am!" he tugged at the front of it where it was unzipped.

"You know," you laughed bitterly, "I personally find it hilarious that you of all people need to be wrapped up in a security blanket to feel good about yourself."

"I don't need to be," he grumbled.

"Then don't wear it to prom."

"I'm wearing it to prom, Y/N," he stated firmly, letting you know he wasn't going to budge.

"Fine," you shrugged, "Then don't go at all." You got up from your seat, causing Michael's arm to fall off your shoulders.

"Y/N," he sighed, getting up and following you to the front door where you were putting your shoes on to go home, "You've been talking about this since school started; You can't just not go to prom."

"Didn't say I wasn't going," you reminded him, making him cock an eyebrow.

"You're going to prom without me?"

"If that's what it comes down to," you replied, standing back upright once both shoes were on before you grabbed your jacket. "I don't care if I have a date or not," you said, looking him right in the eyes so he knew you were being serious with him, "I only get one senior prom, and you are not going to be the one to ruin that for me." Before Michael could respond, you were already out the door to go home.


One week later; Prom night

Unsurprisingly, you arrived at the local college's venue – the place prom was held every year – without your boyfriend. You weren't necessarily upset about it – you knew he wasn't going to show – but that didn't mean it didn't hurt.

You rarely ever saw your boyfriend without the item of clothing on – something that always worried you when he'd wear it in the middle of summer – but you stopped pleading with him to ditch it a long time ago. Michael was incredibly stubborn and all hell broke loose when he didn't get what he wanted. But a line had to be drawn somewhere, and that line for you was prom.

All you wanted was a romantic night with your boyfriend – him showing up at your house, taking all the photos your mother would insist you'd thank her for later, exchanging the corsage and boutonniere, and then just having fun with all your friends as you ended your high school days.

But no.

Being the girlfriend of the school's resident bad boy meant you rarely got to do sappy couple things. Michael was adamant about how being sappy would tarnish his reputation and he couldn't have people talking about him like that – which, to be honest, upset you a bit; since when did Michael care what people were saying about him?

But you stayed with him; You stayed because you loved him.

Michael was no doubt a sap when he was alone with you – he loved to cuddle up on the couch and watch cartoons with you on Saturday nights no matter how much he'd deny it to his friends, he loved writing songs and singing them to you when he thought they were perfect... Though Michael was never one to be very vocal about it, you knew he loved you too.

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