Why her? Pen x Pencil (Part 2)

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A gift for Bfblol

Plot: Pillow makes it to the E.X.I.T, and Four is unable to yank her back, so he takes the closest contestant, being Pencil, and puts her on team Death PACT.

Pencil's POV

I have been trapped in the STUPID E.X.I.T for two flipping YEARS!

Leafy was lucky. She got enough votes to leave episodes ago, even though I have been trapped here the longest!

I still feel terrible about not telling Pen how I feel. I had this letter for him and everything!

As I reached for the letter in my pocket, I realized it was gone. The whole time I was here, I DIDN'T know the letter was gone?!

Oh pencil shavings, what if someone read it, and knows I like Pen?

I suddenly heard a noise from outside the classroom. I know that Four forbids us from leaving, but I need to see what is going on...

I open the door to see Pillow, exploring, and near the door, while the rest of team Death PACT is...playing with Four's mouth? How did they get here?

I looked at Pen. He seemed so happy. It warmed my heart knowing that he is having fun.

All of a sudden, Four's hand slowly reached down right before Pillow was about to touch the door handle.

But then, he grabbed the entirety of Death PACT, although he was unable to yank Pillow, he grabbed me instead!

Narrator POV

Within seconds, Death PACT and Pencil were out of Four's mouth. They seemed upset, but then announced, "Yay! Death PACT is safe!"

Tree spoke up, "We don't have Pillow! Why did you bring us Pencil?"

Four rolled their eyes, "Well, I was unable to get Pillow, and Pencil was the closest contestant I could grab, so Pencil, you rejoin the game, and are now on team Death PACT!"

Pencil gasped. "Really?! OMG, THIS IS AMAZING!"

Pen was also surprised. The two writing items made full eye contact with each other, and blushed.

"P-Pencil!" Pen yelled! He ran over and hugged the female. "I am so happy to see you again!"

Pencil was too flustered to say anything smart. "Uh, um...yeah, I-I miss you too, Pen!"

Pen smiled, "I, well, I saw your note."

The girl was shocked, and embarrased. She covered her red face.

The male grinned, and kissed Pencil on the cheek. "I feel the same way. I would love to be your boyfriend~"

Both objects felt happy, and kissed each other.

The rest of Team Death PACT and Four quietly stared...

BFDI/BFB/TPOT Oneshots! ❤ - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now