Love in the garden~ Loser x Cake

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Requested by smhaIbert

Plot: Loser and Cake go on a garden date 😊

Narrator POV

"So what do you say, Cake?" Loser asked once again to the male dessert. "Will you go on a date with me?"

Cake's eyes widened, and the already existing blush on his cheeks spread through his face. Loser was asking him out on a date. His crush was asking him out on a date.

"Y-Yes, I'd love to go on a date with you!" Cake replied excitedly. He was surprised that his idol would ever consider asking him out.

"Great!" Loser exclaimed. "I have the date all set up, just follow me!"

"Huh? Where are we going?" The gay male questioned his date.

"I'll show you!" Loser responded. He gently took ahold of Cake, leading him through a stone trail with pink petals fluttered to the ground at a slow rate.

Cake followed the pansexual male (My personal headcanon for Loser!) to a patch of grass surrounded by a beautiful garden. A various assortment of flowers were contained in the tranquil and soft garden.

"W-Woah...It's pretty..." Cake was star-struck by the gorgeous scenery. He always wanted to go on a date in a setting as perfect as his current location.

"Come here, Cake..." A weak and somewhat raspy voice called out. Cake turned to the direction of the voice, and noticed Loser relaxing on a light pink blanket. "Join me, cutie. It's nice here..."

Cake blushed, and lied down on the blanket next to Loser.

"This place is awesome, Loser. How did you find it?" The fanboy held curiousity over how his love found this garden.

"Well, Leafy helped me find it. She told me that she comes here occasionally to relax. It seemed like the perfect place for a date..." The other explained, smiling at Cake.

Cake felt blood rush to his face. He had been in love with Loser for a long time, and he was on a date with him now!

"Loser, I'm gonna be honest right now, I've kinda liked you for a while. You're my hero, and the thing I wanted most in the world was to be with you. I'm gay for you..." He admitted awkwardly.

The cubic contestant blushed lightly, feeling flattered. "Aw Cake! That's so sweet! I like you too!"

He nuzzled into his date, and hugged him. Both males were feeling relaxed. And kind of gay. But honestly, it's BFB, who isn't gay in some way?

Four squealed to themself as they watched the beauty...

Love in the garden~

BFDI/BFB/TPOT Oneshots! ❤ - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now