I'm your biggest fan~ Pin x Winner

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Requested by sweartogosh

Plot: Pin helps Winner hide from Clock, who is obsessed with them. After that, Winner gains a new friend and crush.

Narrator POV

All Pin wanted was to continue baking a cake. A chocolate cake, decorated with pink hearts.

That's all.

One simple action, was all she wanted to complete.

But it was interrupted by the actions of another TPOT contestant. More specifically, a friend of hers that was also part of the Losers.


She didn't talk with him very often, but from the day that TPOT began, one thing was made crystal clear about him.

He's obsessed with Winner.

But Pin couldn't blame him, to be honest.

She was one of the few Loser fans that remembered Winner. The red female had always admired the gender neutral famous object. They grabbed her attention, and even stole her heart. It was why she didn't show Loser as much support as everyone else did.

She liked Loser, but was in love with Winner.

Though, she became sad after they stopped collaborating with Loser, and lost most of their fame.

But this? Pin was now competing for TPOT, and Winner happened to be the one who got to join.

She realized that this means she could become closer to the formerly famous chicken nugget lover.

Though, she didn't hang around Winner very often, or praise them excessively. Pin quickly caught onto the fact that Winner is no longer comfortable with being the center of attention, the one everyone obsesses over...

Clock did, though. And he happened to be chasing after Winner.

Winner, feeling exhausted and bothered, did not want to speak with Clock at the moment. They needed to be away from him, because Clock is too obsessed.

The cloud-like object swung a large door that was an entrance to the tall building that Two used for the first contest. They kept running, trying to find a place to hide.

Winner dashed up a single flight of stairs, tripping on the rugged carpet as they made it to the top.

"H-Huh?" They gazed at their surroundings, and recognized the room as the kitchen. Winner even saw Pin baking her infamous, and notably delicious, cake.

Winner didn't know what to do. They wanted to hide from Clock, but they knew that they'd need help.

The chicken nugget fanatic hesitated for a couple of seconds, before speaking up. "Uhm, Pin?"

As Pin heard their foreign accent, she put down her knife, and turned to face them. "Oh, hel-lo Win-ner!" She smiled, and her cheeks heated up slightly. "Do you need some-thing?"

Winner nodded. "I need to hide from Clock. He's obsessed with me, and I need some time away from him!"

Pin raised an eyebrow. They wanted her to help them?

"Bu-t how?" She questioned. The pointy yet short lady glanced around the kitchen, trying to find the perfect hiding place for Winner. "Hmm...How a-bout this bu-sh?"

The female randomly pulled a green, leafy bush out of thin air, placing it on the ground. "Qui-ckly, Win-ner! Hide!"

They obeyed her, hopping into the bush.

There wasn't much space in the bush, so it forced Winner and Pin to be very close to each other.

She observed what was happening outside of the bush, and immediately saw Clock walk into the room.

Clock stopped when seeing the bush. He thought the bush was suspicious.

"Huh? What is a bush doing here?" He questioned himself. "That's pretty sus..."

The round and blue-rimmed male heard noises outside, and jumped out the window. Clock then immediately died when he saw Two flirting with Nickel.

Pin smiled when Clock was out of sight, turning back to Winner. "He is go-ne now, Win-ner."

Winner cheered in delight, hugging Pin with their single arm. "Thanks Pin! I owe you one!"

The bisexual female gave Winner a thumbs up. "Of cour-se! I-am a hu-ge fan of-you, af-ter all!"

The nonbinary individual loomed at her with worried eyes. "A-A fan?"

She nodded. "Yeah, but I respect your space!"

Winner chuckled, "Well in that case...I'm your biggest fan~"

Pin blushed lightly. "Oh, uhm- ...Th-ank you..."

BFDI/BFB/TPOT Oneshots! ❤ - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now