Bring him back! Stapy x Taco

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Requested by DopeDude999

Plot: Takes place during BFB 10. Four revives Taco, and Stapy goes to talk with her.

Narrator POV

"So who else was-" The gender neutral number called Four was interrupted by an angered contestant.

"Wait Four! First you have to recover our friends!" Clock yelled at Four.

The blue figure turned his head to the male, did a short screech, and replied with, "Sure thing!"

They recovered all the contestants, and Taco was the last.

Though, when she came back, this alerted Stapy.

Stapy's POV

I just noticed that Taco was recovered!

Ever since BFB 3, I have had a small crush on her. I never got the chance to talk with her, but maybe I can now!

"Hey Taco!" I greeted her.

"Oh, uh, hey! Stapy, right?" She asked.

I nodded, "Yeah! Anyways, I was wondering if you would like to hang out sometime?"

"Sure. You seem like a cool guy!" Taco replied.

I grinned. "Great!"

Then I heard Clock mention that I was eliminated.

I hopped over to him. "Clock, what the fulcrum? I was about to hang out with Taco!"

"You're eliminated. You shouldn't be here." He responded.

"I just wanted to stay here and watch!" I reasoned.

"Watchers are wannabes." He said.

I got angry. "Listen here Clock-"

Taco's POV

As Stapy was about to fight Clock, Four sucked him up!

"Hey! Bring him back!" I screamed.

"Too bad for you. Your boyfriend was eliminated. He won't be coming back anytime soon!" Four announced.

I blushed, and sighed.

Maybe if there is a rejoin...

BFDI/BFB/TPOT Oneshots! ❤ - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now