But why? Tree x Bottle

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Requested by Puffballisbestobject


Flicker AU

Plot: People think Bottle is suspicious and they vote her off. Truly, she was the clown and only wanted to kill Tree so they could be together after death. When it does end up happening, she explains everything to Tree.

Narrator POV

"So, we all agree that Bottle is acting suspicious, right?" Taco asked the other participating objects.

Many of them nodded, and the few who didn't nod also didn't protest and defend the tall female.

"I'm starting to think you're right, Taco." Firey spoke up. "As much as I'd like to accuse the Dream Island thief-"


"I'd have to say Bottle is really suspicious." The orange-haired male continued. "She even laughed when finding out Gelatin was murdered! Unless SHE was the one who murdered him..."

Bottle listened to everyone who was giving their evidence that made her even more suspicious. But it didn't upset her. She laughed. "Hey! While you guys were talking, Pen was also killed!"

Everyone except for the woman herself gasped, and spotted Pen's corpse on the ground.

"NOOOOOO!" Cried out Pencil. The lesbian sobbed into Match's shoulder. She was devastated by the death of her brother. "That's it! I'm voting Bottle!"

Bottle snickered, and pulled out a small journal from her pocket, jotting down unknown information.

She grinned. "I think that Bubble is going to die next!"

Bubble screamed, and hid behind Lollipop. "Lolli, o-oi am scared!"

Although most contestants were convinced that they should vote out Bottle, one was not.


"C'mon guys, we know Bottle. She's probably joking!" He reasoned. "She wouldn't kill anyone! Bottle made a promise!"

"She killed my brother!" Pencil yelled.

The green-haired male sighed. "Please guys? It can't be her..."

But it was too late.

All the votes were cast. Bottle was going to be removed.

Bottle laughed, "I knew it!" Then she wrote down one last thing in her journal, before being removed.

Tree gasped, holding back tears that dared to show themselves. He had loved Bottle dearly, more than she would ever know, but now, she was gone.

As everyone else went their separate ways, he stood in silence, until he noted that Bottle had dropped her notebook on the cold, metal floor.

Tree became curious, wondering what secrets she was hiding all along. Was she a murderer? How did she know about Pen's death? What was she hiding?

The australian male knew it was rude to snoop through the personal belonging of another person, but his curiousity became the main factor in his next decision.

Tree picked up the small book, inspecting its leather covering, and even small bloodstains. He understood why Bottle had been suspicious.

He opened up the journal, and flipping to the most recent entry. It read as follows:

They all think I'm suspicious. But I don't really care. Theu're all wrong. I'm the clown. No one has to worry about any troubles I may cause, except that I have failed to kill Tree. I wish I was able to, so we could be together even after death...

The male gasped, and dropped the book. Bottle wanted to kill him? Why?

He had loved her for so long. But the same girl that the aussie was in love with wanted to kill him.

Though his opinion on her didn't change immediately. Tree knew that it was best to not jump to conclusions. He decided to have a word with her after the game.

And after it ended, Tree found Bottle all alone, playing with her hair.

He approached the questionably-insane female. "Hey Bottle, I'd like to talk with you..."

Her eyes lit up. "Sure Tree! What is it?"

The male pulled out the female's journal, flipping to the page he saw the threat, and pointed to it. "This right here is quite shocking. Why did you want to kill me? I know you were the clown, but why?"

Bottle pulled him in for a hug. "Because I knew I was going to be voted off, but I wanted to kill you so we could be together after death!"

The green-haired male blushed lightly. "O-Oh, well, I'm flattered..."

He hugged her back.

"But next time, don't try to kill me, please."

"Sure thing, babe!"

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