Each other's losers... Shampoo x Blender

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Requested by BfdiBfdiaIdfbBfbTpot

Plot: Shampoo ends up feeling really lonely after the debuts sign ups. Blender, who has a deep crush on Shampoo, comforts them and ends up confessing.

(A/N): I do not know the genders of Shampoo and Blender, so I will use they/them pronouns for both of them.

Narrator POV

Two smiled as he finished determining the contestant who would be joining TPOT, who turned out to be Winner, along with Price Tag. The green number released the debuts from the dark pits they had been dropped in. Two allowed all of them to either leave, or stay in the building.

Many of them stayed, and a few wanted to leave. Among these few, Shampoo was one of them. The skin-care product was feeling sad after learning the number of votes they received, being 240. It was the second lowest number of votes.

They frowned, letting their feet rub against the formerly green grass. All Shampoo wanted was to feel special, but they didn't feel that way.

The shampoo bottle walked back into the building. Shampoo did want to leave, but they first wanted to stay in a room for a while.

They walked up the stairs, after being told by Nonexisty that the stairs were not operating properly. The depressed object paid no attention to the floor they traveled to, as they collapsed to the surface gently, not even bothering to smile.

"...Hardly anyone voted for me..." They muttered to themself. "Am I really that lame?"

Although Shampoo did have appreciation for the few voters who chose them. But it wasn't enough.

Tears began to form within their eyes, but it wasn't normal tears. Members of the Shampoo species cry conditioner, which made Shampoo's cheeks constantly soft.

They failed to hear another object come up the stairs, as their silent sobbing drowned the noises of Blender entering the room.

Blender gasped lightly at the sigh of Shampoo, their long time crush, crying on the floor. It made their heart sink.

They sat down next to the upset debuter. "Shampoo, what's wrong? You look depressed!"

Shampoo looked to their left side, only to see an old friend named Blender. Their cheeks heated up slightly. "Oh, Blender...I'm just upset that I didn't make the cut, and mainly that hardly anyone voted for me."

The taller one sighed, "Yeah, that's lame..."

"But how did Winner get the most votes?" Shampoo questioned. "They literally Fortnite dance in public and pour the milk before the cereal!"

It was true. Winner does love Fortnite dancing and pouring the milk before the cereal. But nobody knew that.

Blender laughed, "Really? I had no idea!"

Both objects could not control their happy chuckling, it was helping Shampoo feel better.

"Thanks Blendy..." Shampoo grinned, "You're a great friend..."

Blender gave Shampoo a hug. "Of course! I love you-" The immediately covered their mouth, with wide eyes.

Shampoo took a step back. "You...feel the same way?"

A gasp escaped their mouth as they slowly held their hands to where their heart would be. "Well...yeah..."

And in that moment, they didn't care to not be in TPOT

They were not just losers. Rather they were...

Each other's losers...

BFDI/BFB/TPOT Oneshots! ❤ - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now