I feel the same way... 4 x X

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Requested by littelmeli8

Hanahaki AU (Two-sided)

Four's POV

Wouldn't it be real funny if love could kill you?

No, it wouldn't.

But it's happening.

And I can't stop it.

I looked down at my closed hands, opening them up to what would have been my palms.

But they were covered in yellow petals.

The color of X.

I'm in love with them...

And it's killing me...

I stood up, viewing my surroundings. The contestants were happy. They were not in pain.

They were not going to die.

I coughed up a few more petals, and threw them off to the side. "Contestants!" I announced. "I'm going to take a walk. I'll be back soon!"

When I spoke to them, I used the most positive and cheerful voice I could. But it was fake.

I didn't feel that way.

The walk felt like centuries. The grass was dead wherever I stepped. It knew my fate.

Tears trickled down my blue face. I didn't bother to wipe them, not this time.

As I was about to head back to the other contestants, I heard coughing. It sounded like the coughing was painful.

The noise was coming from behind a tree. Someone was there.

"I wish you felt the same way..." The voice echoed. It was high-pitched and squeaky.

It was X.

They coughed once again. I could hear the pain in their voice. My heart sank knowing that they were suffering.

But I couldn't just stand by. I approached X. "X, are you alright?"

X seemed very shocked, but then depressed. "No, I'm not..."

Then, they coughed out a blue flower. "I'm going to die..."


The flower was blue.

Could it be...

"X, this is serious! I don't want you to die!" I cried out, feeling a burst of sadness. "Please, who do you love? I know they feel-" I couldn't talk, as my throat felt clogged up, and I chocked on flowers.

They were concerned. "Four? Four!"

X began patting my back until yellow flowers came out.

They faced me, but for some reason, X's face was a shade of tangerine.

"Four...Do you love...me?" They asked, curiousity filling their innocent eyes, the same ones that drove me crazy in love...

I blushed, and then nodded, "Yes X...I love you..."

The variable kissed my cheek. "Four...I-I feel the same way..."

BFDI/BFB/TPOT Oneshots! ❤ - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now