I'm sorry... Purple Face x Reader (Part 2)

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Requested by MystikHope

Plot: After the first incident, PF confessed feelings to (Y/N), but now the situation is different. (Y/N) attempts to help the overly energetic purple guy fall asleep, but how?

(A/N): Implied Firey x Gelatin and 4x.

Your POV

I looked up at the beautiful, peaceful night sky, admiring the stars and constellations. They twinkled and glowed, being the light in the darkness. Perfect...

As much as I wanted to gaze into the work of art before me, I knew it was time to sleep. My watch showed the time at 11:36pm.

I've been up way too long. But I am ready to sleep, and regain energy to enjoy tomorrow. After all, I need some energy to roast Gelatin, who is simping for Firey...

As I stood up, looking at the gorgeous night sky one last time, a noise caught my attention. But not just any noise. Giggling.

Someone was still awake, and giggling.

Though it wasn't difficult in finding out who was still fully energetic and awake. The voice was familiar, reminding me of who I like to call the Purple Man.

Purple Face...

He was always and energetic goofball, and I loved him for that, but Purple Face can't just stay up all night.

I sighed as he spun around, nearing me as he stopped. "(Y/N)! We should play a game!~" His face showed no signs of sleepiness, but he needed to get some rest.

"No Purple babe, you should rest..." I yawned, blinking once. Within that short time span, he managed to pick me up with his head, and run around. "Wee!~"

"Purple guy!" I yelled. "Put me down!"

"But I'm having fun!" He laughed, putting me down. "Can we please do something to cure my boredom?"

I smiled, "Sure, I have the perfect idea!"

His eyes lit up. "Ooh! What is it dear?~"

"You can get some bloody sleep, eggplant head."

He gasped dramatically, "Excuse me (Y/N)?! That will not be happening until I am ready! Which I very much am NOT ready!"

I growled. Why does he have to be such a handful?! An adorable handful...

What can I do to make him sleep?

He's very energetic right now, and only wants to play around...

I've got it!

"Hey Purple guy, I have a game we can play..." I smirked slightly, but brought it back to a straight face, which is difficult to do, considering I'm not straight...

The purple boy's eyes lit up, and I could see that devilish gleam. The one that drives me crazy, but melts my heart. "Oh really? That's wonderful!" He hopped circles around me, obviously excited. "What is the game?"

"Well..." I began, revealing a cup of warm milk behind me. "First, you have to drink this milk..."

He nodded, drinking it quite fast. "Alright (Y/N), now what?"

I pointed to a bed that was located 2763 miles away from us. "See that bed?"

"What bed? I can't see it-" He whined, until I interrupted him.

"Of course you can't, giant grape."


I picked him up, giving Purple Face a better view of the surrounding area. I heard a gasp escape from him. "I see it! Though, what do we do with the bed?"

"We race to it. Whoever gets to the bed and lies down on it first gets to have chicken nuggets." I declared.

Purple Face's POV

Chicken Nuggets? Oh yes please!

"Alright, I'll play this game!" I agreed to it, and felt my face turn red as they gave me a heart melting smile.

They giggled. "Ready? Go!"

(Y/N) started running very fast! I can't let them win! No no, I NEED the chicky nuggies!

I went hyper speed mode, rushing as fast as I could to pass them, which did happened.

"Haha!" I shouted while dashing away from (Y/N), and to the bed.

Time skip 2763 minutes

Am I...almost there?

This is taking too long...

But then I saw the bed right in front of me!

"YES! I WIN!" I applauded myself, proud that I beat my enbyfriend (term for a nonbinary significant other).

Then I yawned. "Well, I feel exhausted..."

Well, there is a bed right there...

I wouldn't hurt to rest my eyes for a minute, right?

Your POV

"Hey Four, remember that bed I set up 2763 miles from here?" I asked the BFB host.

They seemed confused. "Yeah, what about it?"

"Could you teleport me there?" I asked politely.

Four looked to the side nervously, fidgeting with their hands. "Fine, but only if you promise not to tell X that I actually like them..."

"Can do, Forty-Four~" I winked.

Yeah, I'm telling X.

The blue number teleported me to the bed, and I smiled immediately when seeing my purple boyfriend asleep.

My plan worked...

BFDI/BFB/TPOT Oneshots! ❤ - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now