You like them THAT much? Yellow Face x Reader

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Requested by MystikHope

Plot: The reader has an obsession with Yellow Face's ads. One day, YF finds them watching an ad alone.

Your POV

"Want some bread but you don't have it? Then buy the recently patented bread attractant! If you buy now, you'll get a second one for free!" I heard from the ad.

I squealed in excitement. You see, I am secretly obsessed with Yellow Face's ads, and I watch them everyday. It may or may not be because I have a small crush on him. But even if I didn't, I would still enjoy watching YF talk about his products.

The bread attractant was really interesting. I always did like bread...

As the video ended, I sighed, adding it to my playlist of Yellow Face's ads. I have watched all of them!

Of course, I'm not obsessed in a creepy way, I just really like them!

Yellow Face's POV

I looked on YouTube to check out how much people liked my Bread Attractant product.

I frowned when seeing it had only 50 likes and 300 dislikes. I checked the comment section, and read one comment that said: "Wow, these ads are amazing! I don't see why people don't like them!"

This put a smile on my face, knowing that someone enjoyed my work.

I decided to go check up on my most frequent customer and best friend, (Y/N).

They were sitting on a patch of grass, staring at their phone for some reason.

I approached them. "Hey (Y/N)! What are you doing?"

Your POV

I jumped when YF suddenly appeared, and I turned off the video.

"Oh, uh, h-hey Yellow Face!" I replied, feeling extremely flustered. "I-I, on YouTube!"

He raised an eyebrow. "Well, what were you watching?"

I sighed, and confessed, "I-I was watching your ads."

Yellow Face gasped. "My ads? But why? Everyone else hates them!"

"Well I don't!" I blurted, then covered the blush on my face. "I r-really like your ads, YF. I watch them all the time. They're...amazing..."

He gasped. "You like them THAT much?"

I nodded. " make amazing ads, YF..."

He smiled, and I walked over to hug, giving the yellow man a hug.

Although Yellow Face doean't have limbs, something tells me that he was hugging back in his own way...

Yellow Face's POV

They're hugging me?



I nuzzled into them, my best way to give a hug...

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