I want to see you smile! Puffball x Yellow Face (Part 2)

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Requested by MystikHope

Plot: Yellow Face hides the fact that he is secretly faking his smile, and after all the stress he has had for so long, he has a meltdown and becomes even worse. Puffball is determined to find a way to help her depressed friend.

Narrator POV

Yellow Face was advertising his new product, called water repellent. No one saw the purpose of it, and many contestants booed at YF.

This happened everyday, and Yellow Face became more stressed, and had to fake his smile to hide the pain. It was difficult.

The only object to really notice, or care for that matter, was Puffball. She knew that Yellow Face was faking his smile, and one day, she learned it the hard way.

As the Yellow man was alone, he started screaming out of anger, tears pouring down his cheeks. Puffball watched from a distance, feeling guilty about her poor, upset friend.

Puffball decided to take a calming stroll through a forest, perhaps to help figure out how she could help him smile again.

She then stumbled upon a strange leaflet, one she knew nothing about. Although the pink female had an idea that it would help her yellow friend.

Puffball went back to her upset friend. "🎶Yellow Face! I know how to make you feel better!🎶"

He turned around. "Wait, have you been spying on me and found out how upset I was?!" He asked, with much anger in his tone.

Puffball sighed. "🎶Yes, I just wanted to help!🎶"

Yellow Face was still mad, he decided to leave, until Puffball stopped him.

"🎶Wait! I have something for you!🎶" Puffball exclaims. She stuffs the leaflet in his mouth, hoping he will feel better.

He didn't want to, but he swallowed it. "Ew, how is that supposed to help?!"

Puffball then had an idea. She kissed his cheek.

"🎶I didn't know if it would help. I just wanted to see you smile again!🎶"

And although Yellow Face was still upset, and never fully happy, he smiled lightly, bringing happiness to Puffball.

BFDI/BFB/TPOT Oneshots! ❤ - Book OneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant