Thinking? Of me? Gelatin x Profiley

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Requested by albert__jane

Plot: Gelatin visits his crush, Profiley, who just escaped the BRB.

Gelatin's POV

I can't help but miss Profiley.

They were really something else...

I also feel guilty for not noticing them all these years! They were a contestant this whole time, and I didn't even know until BFB 26!

And then stupid Four had to eliminate Profiley just because that dumb blue number didn't like them!

I don't see why someone would hate Profiley. I mean, they're really smart, strong, have a good sense of humor, and I loved being around them!

I've been thinking about them for weeks now!

I have to see them again!

I remembered how in BFB 26, we needed to eliminate Profiley, by sending them up to the BRB. I convinced X to use their magic stuff, and float them up there!

Maybe I can ask him to do it again!

I ran to X, who was tending to their aloe vera garden. "X! Could you send me up to the BRB?"

They gave me a look of confusion. "Why? You were not eliminated!"

"Uh, because I realized that Taco stole Four's present from you! A-And I know how to get it back fast!" I made up a scenario.

X gasped. "She did what?! Okay then, go up there and get it!"

He snapped, and I floated up to the BRB.

I'm coming to get you, Profiley...

Profiley's POV

Stupid Four really thought he had me trapped here? Doesn't he know I can slip through the bars?

I was free, but I didn't know where to go, until I saw a green contestant floating up here. They landed and I saw it was Gelatin!

I was so excited! "Gelatin! How I miss you!" I gave him and big hug!

His face turned red. "I-I miss you too, Profiley. I can't stop thinking of you..."

I tilted my head, feeling slightly flustered. "Thinking? Of me?" I asked for clarification.

He nodded, and I grinned.

"Well, I am happy to say that the feeling is mutual! I was thinking of you too!" I admitted to him.

He released his arms from me, ending the hug. "Now, let's go before X finds out I lied to them."

I felt nervous. "Right."

I found a rope, and tied it to a pole, climbing down, as Gelatin followed me.

We made it back!

Amd I was happy to be with Gelatin...

My handsome hero...

BFDI/BFB/TPOT Oneshots! ❤ - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now