Do you hate me too? Needle x Fanny

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Requested by _Black_thewolf_

Plot: Needle becomes curious about Fanny's hate for everything, and wonders if Fanny hates her.

Needle's POV

"Uh, Nee-dle? Why ha-ve you-been st-ar-ing at Fan-ny for 2763 min-utes?" Pin asked me.

I blushed, and stopped staring, "Um, w-well, can you keep a secret?"

"Of course!" She replied.

I nodded, "Well, I have a crush on Fanny, but I don't know if she likes me back, since she hates everything..."

Pin was quiet for a minute. "Well, I-do-not th-ink she hates-you, be-cause you-have not done any-thing to up-set her. Fan-ny has no rea-son to ha-te you..."

"But the tru-th is, if-you rea-lly want to know how she feels a-bou-t you, you must ask-her." Pin admitted to me.

"Huh. Maybe you're right, Pin..."

Timeskip 20 minutes

"I hate you!" Fanny shouted at Blocky.

I felt tears stream down my cheeks, worried she would say the same thing. But I had to be brave, and ask her...

I approached Fanny, and greeted her. "Um, hi Fanny..."

"What do you want?" I noticed her voice was a lot more quiet and soft. I wonder why...

"I-I've noticed that you hate a lot of people, and I was just wondering..." I paused, almost unable to keep speaking.

Fanny gave me a look of suspicion, but didn't speak.

I took a deep breath.

"Do you hate me too?" I asked.

Her eyes went wide. "What? No! Why would I hate you?"

I sighed, "Because, well, you hate everyone else..."

"You aren't everyone else." Fanny voiced. "You are Needle, and I don't hate you. Far from it. I love you."

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