Chapter 9

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Me: "But i don't wanna walk outside in the dark!" I said, trying to find a excuse because I was just too lazy to get up.
Shawn: "I can come with you. I have a car"
We both turned and looked at Shawn.
Aaliyah: "Great idea! Thank you so much!!" She said while pushing me so I could get up faster.
I got up and Shawn and I walked out of the house.
Me: "You don't have to come if you don't want. I can go alone"
Shawn: "Nah it's fine. And it's gonna be way faster by car." He said as we both entered his black jeep.
At first I wasn't really cool with the idea because I was scared that it would be awkward. But, at my surprise, it wasn't. We talked about random stuff and we laughed. He's actually pretty cool. He's fun to be with.
We were now at the grocery store trying to find the popcorn. We were in the fruit section when Shawn took 3 apples and started juggling.
Me: "Shawn" i said between laughs "stop"
He looked at me and laugh and he got distracted so he lost control of the apples and they all fell on the grown. Shawn and I looked at each other and started laughing. There was an old man looking at us like he was really angry. Shawn took my wrist and and ran to an other aisle. We were both laughing so hard.
Me: "Oh my god Shawn" I looked at him "You have a true talent" I say as sarcasm.
Shawn: "Okay now we should go get the popcorn"
We found the popcorn and we also took some sweets 'cause why not.
The cashier took our stuff as I got out a 20$ out of my pocket.
The cashier: "13.05$ please"
I was about to give the old lady my money when Shawn took my hand.
Shawn: "Don't be silly" he handed her his money and I placed mine back in my pocket.
The cashier: "Aaw what a gentleman! You two are a cute couple" she said with a smile while giving Shawn the rest of his money.

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