Chapter 151

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We immediately looked over to my door, where we saw my dad, entering my room. Shawn got up and pulled me up so we were back at siting on my bed.
Dad: "Oh- I'm- I'm sorry, I thought-" he rambled, once he saw what was happening.
A really awkward tension filled the room. Our cheeks were bright red and we didn't know what to do.
Me: "Wha- What do you want?" I asked, embarrassed.
Dad: "I wanted to talk to you." He said, becoming more serious.
I immediately started getting worried. I knew this wasn't going to turn out right.
Me: "Oh. Okay, come in"
He walked towards us and Shawn got up from the bed. We both looked at him, confused.
Shawn: "I'm gonna go, now. It's probably none of my business" he said, but quickly my dad stopped him from leaving.
Dad: "No, stay. It's about the both of you."
Shawn: "Oh- Okay" he said and sat down beside me.
My dad sat on my chair in front of my desk and looked at the both of us.
Dad: "It's about that little trip. I'm not sure I want it to happen"
Me: "Dad! You can't say that less than 24 hours before we leave! Everything is ready!"
My dad sighed, looking down.
Dad: "I just don't think you're ready to live together for this long. You're 15, Claire! You're suppose to stay home and watch movies! Not go around the world, places I've never been to!"
Me: "Dad! Are you kidding me? I'm not 9 anymore. I'll be fine. And we're only staying there about two weeks. It's not like I'm staying there for my whole life! Dad, it's fine"
He sighed and looked down at his fingers.
Shawn: "I don't wanna interrupt you, but I just wanted to clear it out that there's always going to be adults with us. We're staying in the same hotel as my manager, and he's the one bringing us to the different places. Sir, you could call Andrew, if you want. He could tell you every single detail. There's really nothing to worry about"

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