Chapter 102

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Me: "What is it, mom? Is something wrong?"
Mom: "No, I just wanted to talk to you about something"
Me: "Mhmm?"
Mom: "So, I know you probably don't want to talk about it. So, ehm, yeah. You know, if you're not ready, to do everything with Shawn, it's totally okay."
Me: "Mom!!" I cut her, knowing what she wanted to talk about. "It's okay, I know that!"
Mom: "No, Claire, listen to me. So, really, if Shawn does anything you don't want, and it could be anything, it's your right to push him away or tell him what you don't want. You're body is only yours and I don't want anyone to do something you don't want them to do. I know your normally really shy, but when it comes to this, stand up for yourself because you'll regret it after if you don't. Okay?"
Me: "It's okay mom, don't worry"
Mom: "And also, if anything happens, here's what you need."
She took something out of her pocket. I looked at her confused until I saw what she pulled out. A condom. A fucking condom. She handed it to me but I didn't take it.
Me: "Mom!! I don't need that!"
Mom: "No, seriously, take it. I know this is awkward, but take it. If Shawn doesn't have one, it's very important."
Me: "No, mom. I- I'm not ready. Nothing is going to happen."
Mom: "Oh. Are you sure? You know it's totally fine"
Me: "Yes, mom. I'm sure"
Mom: "Okay. And, ehm, is Shawn okay with that? You know I don't wanna sound like weird or anything but you know Shawn is older and I don't fully trust him yet."
Me: "Don't worry, mom. Shawn is totally fine with that. I trust him"
Mom: "Okay" she said, smiling "I won't bother you any longer, have fun!"

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