Chapter 93

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Shawn and I drove to the restaurant, where we ate a delicious supper. We had so much fun talking about the most random things. At one point, we weren't even eating because we were talking too much.
Shawn is so fun to be with. There's never a minute where we don't have fun and make jokes. I love him. I wouldn't ever want to be far from him ever again.
Shawn: "So, there's this guy in my school and he-" he was about to say but someone came up to our table.
We both looked at the young girl. She had long blond hair and beautiful green eyes. She was looking at Shawn when the both of us looked down at her.
Her: "Are you Shawn Mendes?"
Shawn: "Ehm, yeah?"
Her: "Oh my god, okay. So, I watched your covers that you posted and I love them so much. You have so much talent." She said, really excited to the fact Shawn was in front of her.
My mouth slightly opened and I frowned my eyebrows, being confused excited at the same time.
Shawn: "Oh my god! Thank you so much! That's so sweet"
Her: "Can I- ehm. We we take a pic?"
Shawn: "Wha- Oh yeah, of course!"
Shawn got up and took a selfie with the young girl. She thanked him and went back to her table.
Me: "Shawn! You're famous now! And you didn't even tell me!!" I said when he sat back down.
Shawn: "Woah, I'm not famous. And this is actually the first time this happens. It's crazy!"
Me: "So you really posted covers?! Like I told you to!"
Shawn: "Ehm yeah"
Me: "Why didn't you tell me?"

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