Chapter 85

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The second I saw him, my eyes started watering. He saw me so he started walking to me.
He's there. Right there. I've been wanting to see him for so long. I've been waiting for this moment for what feels like for ever.
A tear fell on my cheek when he was in front of me. He saw the tear on my cheek and instantly got worried.
Shawn: "Claire, are you okay?"
His eyes were red and his skin was oily and red. It looked like he's been inside his room without seeing the sun for 2 years. He looked slightly sick and drunk.
I nodded at his question, lying to him.
Me: "Shawn, tell me. Please tell me what I've done wrong."
Shawn looked down while shaking his head, like I said something wrong.
Shawn: "You didn't do nothing wrong. It's my fault. I'm sorry"
Me: "Shawn! Tell me why."
Shawn: "My parents... They found out. They are not really happy about the idea of us dating."
Me: "That's what I thought..."
Shawn: "I'm sorry, Claire" he said while taking a step closer to me, reaching for my hands.
I took a step back and he looked at me, confused.
Me: "Shawn! I've been sick and crying for 2 weeks straight without getting out of my room! I had to go to school even though I didn't sleep a second! And you did that only because your parents told you so. I though- I don't know. If you really loved me, I think you would be strong enough to stay with me, even if your parents don't like me"
I saw a tear leave Shawn's eye, like if what I said really hurt him. He quickly swipe it away, not wanting me to see it.

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