Chapter 94

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Me: "Why didn't you tell me?"
Shawn looked down at his fingers, without replying to my question.
Me: "Shawn?" He didn't move so I placed my hand on top of his.
He looked up at me and took a deep breath.
Me: "Shawn, you can tell me."
Shawn: "Ehm, I- Ehm"
I gently squeezed his hand, making him more comfortable. He took a deep breath and started talking.
Shawn: "When I left you, I couldn't do anything. I was dead inside and the only thing I could think about was you. I remembered the day you told me that I should post covers and, ehm"
Me: "Mhmm?"
Shawn: "So I decided to write some songs about you. About how I felt when we were appart. And I also did some covers. I decided to post them, and people started liking them and following me. I didn't want to tell you because I don't want you to see me like that." I frowned my eyebrows, confused.
Me: "What do you mean?"
Shawn: "Claire, you can't even imagine how I was. I looked disgusting, I didn't want to shower, I didn't want to do anything out of my room. My eyes are always red and puffy in the videos. My hair is always a mess and my voice sometimes cracks because of how depressed I would become while signing to you."
Me: "Shawn, I- I don't know what to say"
Shawn: "It's okay. I get it. I'm sorry for not telling you, I was about to delete them."
Me: "No- Why?"
Shawn: "Because! These songs are horrible. They would make anyone depressed after listening to them."
Me: "You can't delete them, Shawn!People love them! People want more. They love how they can feel your feelings and emotions through your songs. Shawn, you have pure talent. There's not a lot of people that can do that."

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