Chapter 108

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I realized who it was too late. Shawn. Shawn was right there. My towel was on the floor so I quickly hid myself with my hand. Shawn just turned around really quickly so he wouldn't see anything.
Shawn: "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" He said, chuckling at the same time.
Me: "Shaaawn!!!" I said, taking the towel that was on the floor and put it back on my body.
Shawn: "I'm so sorry" he said, still laughing.
Me: "You can turn around." I said, chuckling at his cute reaction.
Shawn turned around and looked at me. I saw his stare going from my eyes to my body. I felt his stare everywhere, staying longer at some places.
Me: "Shawn?" I said, kinda embarrassed because I was still only wearing a short towel.
Shawn: "Oh. Yeah. Sorry" he said, shaking his head slightly and looking back into my eyes.
Both of our cheeks became bright red and we looked at each other.
Me: "Why do you always have to make me jump every time you come here! I'm always so scared!" I said, making him chuckle.
Shawn: "I'm sorry, I'll be louder next time" he said, laughing.
I laughed back at him and I turned around to look back at my shirts that were in my closet.
Me: "So, I'm trying to find something to wear for tonight but I can't find anything" I said with a loud sight.
Shawn: "Are you fucking kidding me? There's like 1000 different shirts in here" he said, walking closer behind me, chuckling.
Me: "There's still nothing that looks good"
Shawn reached out for a random shirt. Since he was right behind me, when he took the shirt, I could feel his whole body pressed against my back. He took out a very short black crop top that I never wear.
Shawn: "Here. Wear this" He said, giving it to me.
I turned around and looked at him.
Me: "Shawn! I can't wear this! It's way to small for me!" I said, showing him how small it is and how much skin would be seen.
Shawn: "Yeah, you're right. I don't wanna see any other boys drooling seeing my girl. Only I can do that" he said, making me chuckle and remember a few minutes earlier.
I blushed and turned back around and placed the shirt back at his place.

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