Chapter 140

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Me: "Oh my god. I- I don't know what to say"
Shawn: "It's okay. Just don't tell anyone. She said that even my dad doesn't know about that."
Me: "Oh, okay"
Shawn: "And, babe, I wanted to tell you something" he said, talking my hands in his.
Me: "Yeah?"
Shawn: "My mom didn't want us to be together because she was scared for me to do the same thing to you. And- I get that she's scared because of what happened to her and stuff but, you know that I would never do that, right?"
Me: "Yeah, of course Shawn! I know that!"
Shawn: "Claire, I- I'm so scared to do or say something wrong."
Me: "Shawn, it's okay! You don't have to worry, I trust you"
Shawn: "But I don't trust myself!" He said, slightly raising his voice, like he was mad at himself "She even told me that I'll maybe not even know that I'm doing it. I'm so scared to hurt you, Claire" he said, covering his face with his hands.
Me: "Shawn-" I said, taking his hands away from his face "It's okay. You know, I would tell you if anything happens and I'm not okay with it"
He looked up at me, his eyes were a little bit red.
Shawn: "Promise me something" I nodded "Promise me that if I ever do something wrong, hurt you by accident, or whatever, you'll tell me or stop me before it's too late."
Me: "I promise." I said, smiling.
Shawn smiled at me and we both leaned in, when someone bursted in the room, without knocking. We both looked at the door, and saw Karen with laundry in her hands. She realized we were there and stopped moving.
Karen: "Oh, god. I'm so sorry! I thought you guys left. I just had some laundry to give you"
Shawn: "It's okay" he said, slightly chuckling at how embarrassing Karen was.
She walked inside and placed the laundry on Shawn's desk. She was about to leave but Shawn called her name. She turned around to face us.
Shawn: "Ehm, can Claire stay the night?"

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